Rappers are now making songs using old Somali music as Samples


East Africa UNUKA LEH
"Models from Somalia. We sex and make the bed break."
This nigga...
Vine Wtf GIF
Yeah we dont have somali rappers tht like to sample old beats. Maybe they dont think about it. I still rememeber when drake/ timbaland took a somali beat for Say something.
Yeah we dont have somali rappers tht like to sample old beats. Maybe they dont think about it. I still rememeber when drake/ timbaland took a somali beat for Say something.
I don’t think so seems far fetched tbh I remember when this song came out in 09/10 Somalis where under the radar back then in america
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Wht do u mean under the radar?? Drake has somali friends in canada and timbaland samples arabic/indian and any type music. Are u saying this is not a somali sample
Im talking about timbaland he produced this track what’s the Somali sample

and yes America is different then Canada Somalis always been on the map In Toronto
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Im talking about timbaland he produced this track what’s the Somali sample

and yes in America Virginia area where timbaland is from Somalis where under the radar in 09/10

its different then Canada where Somalis always been on the map In Toronto
Timbaland doesnt have to know any1 he samples everything from different countries. This is the somali original its from saado cali song cunaabi.

