Red pill me on "eelay" people

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idk how to spell it so I just went with my best shot

What are they? What is their dialect? Are they ethnic Somalis? Are they reer baadiyo ? I've been hearing about them, but that's it.

I need to know!


They are ethnic Somalis part of Digil and Mirifle and one of the big four clans. They speak Af Maay as their primary language. They are agro pastoralists and mostly live in the southern Somali regions such as Bay and Bakool. Most Somalis happen to be reer badiyo. Eelay is a subclan of Mirifle I believe. They are very maskeen people. What was done to their people during the man made famine in 1992 was disgusting.
They are very maskeen people. What was done to their people during the man made famine in 1992 was disgusting.
I agree, the good people of Digil iyo Mirifle deserve justice.

Morgan needs to be hanged for his crimes against humanity :icon e sad:


Culture and Customs of Somalia

Truly disgusting.:icon cry:
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