Groups of Rendille in Rural Kenya Reverting to Islam through Dawah by Somali Sheikhs


Chad Rendille skater Kkkk

Waa qowmiyadda Reer Diinle ( Redinlle ) ee kunool Waqooyi Bari Kenya oo Koox koox usoo galaysa diinta Islaamka. Odayaal iyo Culimo Soomaaliyeed oo kunool Dalka Kenya ayaa u istaagay in ay dadkaan diinta Islaamka gaarsiiyaan.

Dadkaan badankood waa reer Miyi Xoolo dhaqato ah hadana maalin walba waxa ay koox koox usoo galaan diinta Islaamka waxaana la Baraa Qur'aanka Kariimka waxaana la siiyaa dhar qurux badan oo ay ku Labistaan markii hore waxay haysteen diinta Kiristaanka Balse hadda wey soo Islaameen intooda badan.

Waxaa xusid mudan in dadkan ay luuqad ay ku hadlaan tahay 60% Af-soomaali waxaa la wariyaa in ka goosteen boqortooyadii Ajuuraanka markii looga adkaaday dulkii ay ka talin jireen. Boqortooyadii ajuuraanka ayaa ka talin jirtay inta badan geyiga Soomaaliyeed
No doubt these people were a part of the Somali nation, simply the way they look and Langauge confirms that. We need to find out why they left.

Alhamdullilah they are accepting islam to the religion

The oday talked about it, he said they believe their ancestors ate baqti and the Somalis outcasted them.
I think all the bakhti stories are fake.

Somalis have a history of making up lies to humiliate people by saying they either ate bakhti or they are intermarried with ajanabis.

For example, darod being arab and barawanis being Portuguese.

I think if we knew what time period they were cut off from greater Somalis it would make more sense. It could be they migrated further or there were battles etc…


They’re not somalis, stop begging it. We are related to them like we’re related to oromos, just a bit earlier


I think all the bakhti stories are fake.

Somalis have a history of making up lies to humiliate people by saying they either ate bakhti or they are intermarried with ajanabis.

For example, darod being arab and barawanis being Portuguese.

I think if we knew what time period they were cut off from greater Somalis it would make more sense. It could be they migrated further or there were battles etc…
The Somali-Rendille language split occurred 2000-2500 years ago.
The Somali-Rendille language split occurred 2000-2500 years ago.
That timeline is questionable and languages split don’t necessarily does not mean groups can not have family/ deep tribal links. AF May and Maxa Tiri are a good example.

And while they are a stand alone own ethnic group, they seemed to have lived adjacent to Somali tribes and had the same camel herding culture as the Somali tribes near them. Oromo, on the other hand, went to live in the highlands and compelled cut off from Somalis.

The Rendille also incorporated some Somali Muslim migrants into their group. This is where the confusion about claims regarding an Islamic past comes from. Some of the were Muslim in the past, not all of them.

