Reer Minnesota celebrates July 1st with a sambuusa eating contest

Darkie girl. It's not all Somalis doing this. It's not Somali specific. So I'm not sure why are you making it seem like ALL Somalis are doing this.

Pakistani people are known to be more ghetto. So why didn't you focus on them?
Darkie girl. It's not all Somalis doing this. It's not Somali specific. So I'm not sure why are you making it seem like ALL Somalis are doing this.

Pakistani people are known to be more ghetto. So why didn't you focus on them?
Get out of this forum I beg most of us are dark lol.
I'm dark too I'm just trolling this weirdo.
You're the weirdo for following me around to demean me for being too darkskinned and needing to bleach.

I don't think you're dark too, you're backtracking because you've come to finally realise how crazy you look telling a majority darkskinned forum that we're ugly.


Just f*ck off from my thread. I'm not wasting my time with you.


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You're the weirdo for following me around to demean me for being too darkskinned and needing to bleach.

I don't think you're dark too, you're backtracking because you've come to finally realise how crazy you look telling a majority darkskinned forum that we're ugly.

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Just f*ck off from my thread. I'm not wasting my time with you.
How the f*ck do you know how the people on this app look like? You're a whole weirdo.

Imagine how dumb you have to be to think the majority of the people on this app is dark. As if you know what the people on here look like. Did you meet them or do you think everyone on here is ugly and dark like you?

You sound just as retarded as the girl who said most Somalis are dark and the light ones aren't. Dumb dumb!

