Reer UK exodus


A Laandheere always pays his debts

Have things gone that bad in UK? Election is a day away and your Labour party is guaranteed to win, but he is Tony Blair 2.0, just without Bush holding his hand.

What's the state of UK like? Is London better or is all of UK as rafaad as the article makes out. I actually think everyone talks the talk without walking the walk, everyone *wants* to leave but really and truly they enjoy their comfortable life rather than a full relocation.

I know Canada is a hot mess on so many different front right now, but didn't know UK was in such a precipitous decline that everyone wants out.

Looks like all diasporas end goal is to be Reer Minnesota....

Have things gone that bad in UK? Election is a day away and your Labour party is guaranteed to win, but he is Tony Blair 2.0, just without Bush holding his hand.

What's the state of UK like? Is London better or is all of UK as rafaad as the article makes out. I actually think everyone talks the talk without walking the walk, everyone *wants* to leave but really and truly they enjoy their comfortable life rather than a full relocation.

I know Canada is a hot mess on so many different front right now, but didn't know UK was in such a precipitous decline that everyone wants out.

Looks like all diasporas end goal is to be Reer Minnesota....
Are you from Canada sxb ?
I see people all the time complain about UK being bad vibes, it's seems like it finally hit a tipping point and people had enough.

For example this article from a while back of Black British girl

'The UK is bad vibes': I'm a Brit who moved to America... here is why it so much better than the UK​

  • British woman Amber Tiffeny, 20, moved to the US when she was 17 years old

A while ago i saw this random New Yorker say the same ''i don't like the UK, they treat people like sh*t''