Refugees vs economic migrants

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I try to spend like 10-15min everyday skimming through the news to see wagwan in the world. You know what topic i see every fucking goddamn day? The refugee crisis. I see European countries ing about the millions of refugees swarming their borders and I see sob stories about refugees that had to go through yawmul qiyamah to come to Europe. But the one thing that bothers me (tbh it doesnt bother me that much) is the confusion between refugees and economic migrants, and how it's being abused.

Sure, some people have some crazy shit going down in their countries and they see migration as the only viable option left. Shit happens and you have to leave your country, we Somalis understand this well because our parents went through the same shit. That's completely fine wallahi. But the thing I have a problem with is when these refugees, that are given shelter, food, jobs, and social security, decide to leave and head towards a better country (higher gdp per capita countries) as a refugee to attain the "European Dream" or whatever the f*ck they believe they'll get. You see this all the time..fobs leaving from smaller countries like Poland to go to the UK, Germany, or France.

Once they do that they should lose their refugee status, because they are economic migrants masquerading around as refugees going from country to country looking for the best life possible..Yes every country should do their very best to accommodate refugees, they are people just like us who are in very unfortunate situations. But economic migrants already have had their basic necessities taken care of and are using up resources that could have went up to actual refugees or even more importantly the taxpayers. Countries are obliged to help refugees that actually need help, not those looking to improve their life.

The moment they hit the first country that is safe, they are no longer refugees, but immigrants seeking something better. What do you think? Do any of you disagree? Why?
I think they're not truly safe until they a reach a country that extends them adequate rights and protections.

So does this mean that the people who live in Hungary and Poland aren't truly safe? Are you kidding me right now?

The OP is telling the truth here.
The migrants, yes. Adequate protections includes funding and safety nets for refugees and refugee programs.

By that criterion, then everyone who lives in Poland and Hungary is also a "refugee" since the social services in those countries are mediocre at best.

A refugee is someone who flees war and chaos in some other country and lands in a safe and peaceful country. If they leave a country like Hungary to seek better pastures in Sweden or UK, they've become economic migrants and no longer can be considered refugees.

The most simplest definitions have become lost to you. You really are that naive.
This idiot wants to ignore concrete definitions completely. Yes, the Syrian people are deserving of full sympathy and accommodation for their needs---and yes I would strongly welcome their arrival in Canada and the USA as migrants----but let's not change definitions here.
By that criterion, then everyone who lives in Poland and Hungary is also a "refugee" since the social services in those countries are mediocre at best.

A refugee is someone who flees war and chaos in some other country and lands in a safe and peaceful country. If they leave a country like Hungary to seek better pastures in Sweden or UK, they've become economic migrants and no longer can be considered refugees.

The most simplest definitions have become lost to you. You really are that naive.

The difference between an economic migrant and a refugee is one has left by choice and the other is a forced migrant. So, either create a new term for this behavior or stick to one or the other term.

You talk of definitions and here you are calling refugees economic migrants. But I think villainizing displaced persons is great rhetoric, so carry on.
The difference between an economic migrant and a refugee is one has left by choice and the other is a forced migrant. So, either create a new term for this behavior or stick to one or the other term.

You talk of definitions and here you are calling refugees economic migrants. But I think villainizing displaced persons is great rhetoric, so carry on.

You are the most lowly, disgusting person on this forum and I have no doubt in my mind about that.

Notice how you're accusing me of villainizing displaced people, when I did nothing of the sort. Character assassination is something you've tried on many different people, including Duchess and many others.
Okay then, but why are there Somalis in Scandinavia, Holland and UK only? But not Eastern Europe or even Italy? I'm sure they did the same thing as those Syrians when some were refugees
Okay then, but why are there Somalis in Scandinavia, Holland and UK only? But not Eastern Europe or even Italy? I'm sure they did the same thing as those Syrians when some were refugees

Yeah exactly. I wouldn't be surprised if thousands of Somalis living in Western Europe went through the same experience. In fact, many of the Somalis who live in UK are actually from Holland, and they lived in Holland for a number of years before moving onto the UK. They can't technically be considered refugees anymore, but they should rather be considered as migrants.
Yeah exactly. I wouldn't be surprised if thousands of Somalis living in Western Europe went through the same experience. In fact, many of the Somalis who live in UK are actually from Holland, and they lived in Holland for a number of years before moving onto the UK. They can't technically be considered refugees anymore, but they should rather be considered as migrants.

Yep pretty much that!
I think they're not truly safe until they a reach a country that extends them adequate rights and protections.

@Kaafiye I think what @ciddhartha means by this, at least from my understanding and I happen to agree with him is that Eastern Europe is not safe for immigrants in the sense of cultural acceptance and assimilation as Western Europe. We've all heard the stories of xenophobia and worse, immigrants being kidnapped and their organs harvested. To add to that, it is logical to assume that these immigrants are desperately trying to get to Western Europe because they are in contact with friends and relatives and are eager to join them. I understand beggars cannot be choosers but you can't blame a beggar for wanting to do what is right for him and his family, no matter how difficult.


It's not Eastern European countries in general, but more specifically Balkan countries that are a gateway to Western Europe for these Middle Eastern/African refugees.

Greece has been in an economic depression for the past couple of years with youth unemployment over 50%! If young native Greeks can't find jobs what makes you think these refugees will?

Then if they move on, you got a bunch of former Yugoslavian countries (Bosnia, Serbia, Kosovo etc). These shit holes are poorer than some Middle Eastern countries like Turkey and most of them aren't even members of the EU. It's a no-brainer why those refugees do not want to settle there.

A bit further and then you get into Austria, Italy, Switzerland, Germany etc.. where Europe really begins.
Guys what you have to understabd is eastern europeans come to england in their droves because there is no work in their own country. Waxaa yaab ah poor countries like hungary is saying stuff "not everyone has a right to a hungary or german dream". Bear in mine they have the least to offer. I think for a nation like hungary its become a pride boost because I dont remember hearing anything from hungary before. I certaintly wouldnt want to live in eastern europe. Think about would you rather stay safe and poor in poland or just make your way to germany and have access to many different types of benefits and health care. It's a no brainer ruunti


Guys what you have to understabd is eastern europeans come to england in their droves because there is no work in their own country. Waxaa yaab ah poor countries like hungary is saying stuff "not everyone has a right to a hungary or german dream". Bear in mine they have the least to offer. I think for a nation like hungary its become a pride boost because I dont remember hearing anything from hungary before. I certaintly wouldnt want to live in eastern europe. Think about would you rather stay safe and poor in poland or just make your way to germany and have access to many different types of benefits and health care. It's a no brainer ruunti

The Baltic states, Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia are not too shabby. They are relatively advanced countries. I think they will become first world countries within a generation.

The Balkan countries and Ukraine are third world though and extremely far behind the rest of Europe.


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
I hope all da Africans and sand head over to Europa and outbreed da whites f*ck em to death

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