Responding to Christian Propaganda- "He found Jesus in the Quran"


LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake
this is a Dumb argument. Prophet Muhammad pbuh was named by his name, by title, and most Surah if not ALL-- Allaah swt directs the message to Muhammad pbuh directly. You might say our beloved prophet pbuh was the 'Hero" of Alamin & Quran!

Prophet Issa/Jesus pbuh is mention many times because his messaging job is not finished. He will return.

Omar del Sur

Muslims only pray to Allah; these guys did not do any research at all. Who's going to believe this?

this seems to be a recurring issue with Christians- it's like how you still have Christians going around and claiming "Allah is a moon God!" (audubillah) or shouting about "the Muslims are doing taqiyyah!". in a way it's kind of funny to me how bad their arguments are but on the other hand it's sad to me- they're preying on peoples' ignorance.... and then historically... they will really go to war and harm people on the basis of these misunderstandings

Omar del Sur

so after I made the thread I found some more information about this guy... apparently this guy is a famous blatantly fake ex-Muslim (incidentally he's also an Indian... there seems a real animosity from many Indians against Islam).....

this is a video he did^.... and mind you- this guy claims to be an ex-imam.... also- the video has 1.8 Million views!.... lots of deceived Christians

and this one I found where a Muslim tears his arguments (and fake convert story) apart


Nothing is true; everything is permitted
this whole debate is stupid and brain dead. at least he still believes in a God. my guy, the whole of theists (be it muslim, christian ,jew, etc) are under attack and some people choose to have these pointless debates on which religion is right. instead of creating divisions and wasting time, we should team up and combat this problem of atheism together. We are past the phase of "my book is correct and yours isn't".


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