Rich not to blame for poverty

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ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
>high tax rate on corporation is to blame
>because billionaires move their companies if they can't squeeze as many pennies out of their country as they can
>but the rich ain't to blame
>paying your fair share is for es

He a dumbass
Top 1% pay 25% of the taxes.

Top 5% pay 56% of taxes.

Top 10% pay 68% of taxes.

Bottom 40% pay 3% of taxes.

Get real
When the rich take all the wealth and people no longer have any money for food, I say we eat the rich.


Not your typical Farah
Capitalism is not a problem, but crony capitalism is. Now, whether to shrink the size and the power of the state or imposing more regulation is the solution is debatable.

However, the the average Joe isn't capable of being rational or responsible. So, there has to be some kind of distribution or else have a eugenics revolution where you cut every social welfare program and let the takers die off. :icon e biggrin:


Not your typical Farah
The rich steal from the labor of the working class. If they can eat off the poor then it's only fair that the poor eat them :manny:
How do they steal though? Taxpayer money going to corporations? Paying people low wages?
How do they steal though? Taxpayer money going to corporations? Paying people low wages?
A capitalist is walking through his factory with a friend.

Friend asks, "What did you tell that man just now?"

"I told him to work faster", answers the capitalist.

"How much do you pay him?" asks the friend.

"Fifteen dollars a day" answers the capitalist.

"Where do you get the money to pay him?" asks the friend.

"I sell products", answers the capitalist.

"Who makes the products?" asks the friend.

"He does", answers the capitalist.

"How many products does he make in a day?" asks the friend.

"Fifty dollars worth", answers the capitalist.

"Then", concludes the friend, "Instead of you paying him, he pays you thirty-five dollars a day to tell him to work faster".

"Huh", and the capitalist quickly adds, "Well, I own the machines".

"How did you get the machines?" asks the friend.

"I sold products and bought them", answers the capitalist.

"And who made those products?" asks friend.

To which the capitalist can only respond—to his friend, but also to the media and to the schools—"Shut up! He might hear you".
The rich capitalists live off the fruits from the labour of the working class. Time to take them off of welfare.
Aren't people that are generally in poverty, were born into poverty? They wouldn't have the same opportunities as others than.

I grew up extremely poor but I make 5x my mother's or father's income today.

Being born into poverty and staying in poverty is a big outrageous lie
I grew up extremely poor but I make 5x my mother's or father's income today.

Being born into poverty and staying in poverty is a big outrageous lie
Just because you succeeded doesn't mean it's a big lie. The point of Capitalism is that the majority of people that take risk, usually fall flat. You're an outlier in this case.
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