Richard Dawkins questions Ahmed's clock

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It's so messed up, because even if it is just a regular alarm clock, you can't go around attaching extreme malice to Ahmed's intent. There was also no way to predict his teacher would have reacted in that manner. So, accusing Ahmed of 'griefing' is really stupid. Dawkins' fake outrage at that level of support Ahmed is receiving is disguised hatred. We're not really supporting him because he made a clock, we're supporting him because what his teacher and law enforcement did was not justified.
I'm surprised that he wasn't out and out racist and islamophobic.

Are you seriously doubting that Dawkins is Islamophobic? Anyone who listens to this man speak knows how deeply bigoted he is towards Muslims. His contempt for Islam even surpasses his hatred for Christianity....and he shares this same sentiment with Sam Harris, Christopher Hitchens, and all other new-age Atheists.


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"Boy's motives remain mysterious"_ Dawkins.

He brought a clock to school. Has been confirmed it's nothing but a clock. What possible motives can there be? Logic and reason alludes these people when Islam/Muslims are the subject matter.


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I thought Dawkins was better than this. I expect this garbage from Neanderthals like Harris and Maher who are outright Muslim haters but Dawkins came across to me as a guy who hates Islam as a religion but doesn't mind Muslims (the non radical ones). I've seen him defend Muslims in the past so this surprises me.
I thought Dawkins was better than this. I expect this garbage from Neanderthals like Harris and Maher who are outright Muslim haters but Dawkins came across to me as a guy who hates Islam as a religion but doesn't mind Muslims (the non radical ones). I've seen him defend Muslims in the past so this surprises me.

Lol he's probably one of the worst man. He's incredibly challenged when it comes to philosophy and religion


And seek help in patience and prayers
Neo atheists are nothing but bunch of hate mongers. They are Zionists in disguise. Cadaabta Ilaahay ha ku fogeeyo.
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