Richard Dawkins speaks some sense

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Lolz !! I was just reading about the death penalty for apostasy law - apparently I'm an apostate because my family are Muslim. So I guess there's compulsion in religion after all.


Islam is peace and if you disagree they will rest you in peace permanently.


George Carlin is hilarious - when will Muslim communities get the freedom of speech to publicly make fun of god? I loathe religion for that - we're behind scientifically and socially (the whole planet) because we just can't drop religious 'ethics'.
You have convinced me @VicePrez I now take Joe Pesci as my lord and saviour :2tjlv3e::2tjlv3e:lol

Btw @Shamis are you really a believer in Waaq as i read here before or was that just a running joke? Pls clarify if neither


HRH Duchess of Puntland, The Viscount of Garoowe
George Carlin is hilarious - when will Muslim communities get the freedom of speech to publicly make fun of god? I loathe religion for that - we're behind scientifically and socially (the whole planet) because we just can't drop religious 'ethics'.

Why would we want to 'make fun' of God?:what:


George Carlin is hilarious - when will Muslim communities get the freedom of speech to publicly make fun of god? I loathe religion for that - we're behind scientifically and socially (the whole planet) because we just can't drop religious 'ethics'.

Lol i think it was 4 months ago i was at this house, with a few people and me included every body is drinking some how some way talk's turned to religion islam and yada yada any how me being the little shit stirrer, wiliiba ciirka baan marayee Samada sagalad set up a loaded question for a guy who was among us, i told him what if police came busting in through the front door right now and arrested you and threw you in jail for life no court trial no nothing, and the reason for the police in doing so is because you're great great great grand father committed a crime and he died and he hasn't spend his so called just punishment, what would you say or feel about that ? guy looked at me in bewilderment waar muxuu ku hadleey ? then i said okay so if that is not fair nor feasible how the hell is it feasible that Allah who has 99 names and attributes one of them being Haq/just would punish the entire human race because of the mistake two human beings did so long ago ? how is that just ? doesn't that defy the word JUST ? that ain't just that is totally the opposite of it, then he goes like don't question Allah and his way you what mate ? :what1:
after that it all goes down hill pretty fast he asks are you muslim i say no i am agnostic, the next reply kalab batahey ceey batahey i say hayee knowning full well the convo was headed down this path just to push his buttons a bit more, i go like ceey yaar amaa ceey weeyn khey baan aheey he tries to fight me people stop him and i am just ROFL all over the place ciil badanaa.


@Duchess Because its fun.

@Uncle-ruckus Looool and he's drinking like he gives a f*ck about Islam lol I swear some people are Muslim just to be a devil's advocate. He's not even allowed to be in the same room as drinkers and he'd having a bar brawl for Allah lol

@McLovin If there is a God it's not the Abrahamic god - that's why I chose Eebe Waaq over all Gods. Just in case my de ja vu has a deeper meaning.


@Duchess Because its fun.

@Uncle-ruckus Looool and he's drinking like he gives a f*ck about Islam lol I swear some people are Muslim just to be a devil's advocate. He's not even allowed to be in the same room as drinkers and he'd having a bar brawl for Allah lol

Exactly every one clocked on to this and kept quiet except for this guy. :pachah1::donkey:
@McLovin If there is a God it's not the Abrahamic god - that's why I chose Eebe Waaq over all Gods. Just in case my de ja vu has a deeper meaning.[/QUOTE]
Thats dope. Ive never met a follower of somali traditional religion before. Surely there cant be much of you.
Pre-Islamic Somalia has always been of interest to me. Could you recommend any good articles or literature on it?


@McLovin If there is a God it's not the Abrahamic god - that's why I chose Eebe Waaq over all Gods. Just in case my de ja vu has a deeper meaning.
Thats dope. Ive never met a follower of somali traditional religion before. Surely there cant be much of you.
Pre-Islamic Somalia has always been of interest to me. Could you recommend any good articles or literature on it?[/QUOTE]

I don't condone indoctrination - just use your imagination walaal its a dead religion. I just took the name Waaq to replace Allah who has a tonne of literature I don't agree with + it's a foreign semitic word.
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