Rise of the Anglosphere 🇬🇧🇺🇸🇦🇺🇳🇿🇨🇦


Früher of the Djibouti Ugaasate 🇩🇯
Meanwhile Somalian fags are too busy crying over their desert Tuulos instead of conquering the danyeers sitting on prime real estate across east Africa.

Somalis only got two countries, one is a failed state 🇸🇴 and the other is less of a country and more of a city state 🇩🇯
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Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
anglosphere is WEAK. this website is in english and no one here is anglo or cares about their values (atheism and lgbt) and I believe that is the future for the anglosphere. being a vessel for people from totally different non anglo cultures while the actual anglo culture becomes irrelevant and despised. all your base are belong to us
@Omar del Sur
The Angelos are a slippery lot. I believe they changed strategies by 1800s. By 1900s they had no belief in "white" and were purely driven in what is today called Liberalism. With the English language as the primary vehicle for achieving this.

They stopped believing that there was anything innate to white people, or humans for that matter, ie the death of the soul:
The universe, the whole mass of things that are, is corporeal, that is to say, body, and hath the dimensions of magnitude, length, breadth and depth...and that which is not ‘body’ is no part of the universe...
― Thomas Hobbes, Leviathan ~1650

In other words, if its width, height, depth, weight etc etc cannot be measured, then it does not exist. The invisible, immaterial Christian soul was no more.

A human being is nothing more than the sum of his flesh, raw material to be remade in mans image. An ironic twist of their old "Made in Gods image".

This was a point touched on by Christian Palestinian Wael Hallaq, a leading figure on Islamic legal studies (brought to my attention a few days ago by @Galool ) In a recent episode of a podcast called Cup, @00:12:15:
That language is the key and the vision of life if you do not pay attention to the language you will be lost
[If] I want to take your land, I want you to work like me because when you start thinking like me, you accept all principles, the looks, political, social and moral values
For the ruler, they become part of the population
You want to effectively say 150 years and before that
250 years did not achieve much, but it succeeded in the end.

Now since a human being is just raw material, could it be said terminating a pregnancy is infanticide? What about severing the sex organs and then chemically suppressing other sex markers, what would the resulting sex be? What if I wanted to sever my limbs and fit shiny new ones on Amazon.com?

For the majority of world, all of those questions, aside from the last one (Transhumanism) have come to pass and are settled.
>This website is in english and no one here is anglo or cares about their values
You are partly correct Omar, English is the Lingua Franca but it is our bases that belong to them.

I believe this is the reason why war broke out between Germany and England. The Germans saw this new order (on top of the Versailles treaty) as an affront to them.
>The most significant event of the 20th century will be the fact that the North Americans speak English.
― Bismarck, founder of the German state.