Rock Art Pastoralists in the Horn of Africa

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"The Neolithic herders arrived from the Sahara. The period between 5000 BP and 3000 BP represents the mid-Holocene, when aridity induced migrations of prehistoric pastoralists into the Horn of Africa. In the East African highlands pastoralism appeared abruptly around 3000 BP."

"Pastoralism was already the dominant form of subsistence agriculture by 3000 BP in the western lowlands of Ethiopia, and expanded into the rest of the Horn of Africa by 2000 BP. At that time, aridity forced the pastoralists to move into the highlands on the northern and eastern Ethiopian plateaux."

"In the common style of rock art referred to as ‘Ethiopian-Arabian’, the main features are “the depiction of humpless bovine in profile with forelimbs and the hind limbs each merged into one thick line”. In rock art caves on the Ethiopia-Sudan border, depictions include rainmaking rituals, showing the complexity of inter-regional relations between different sites as well as expression of shared cultures and differences. [73] Records from eastern Ethiopia and the northern parts of the Horn (the present day Somaliland) show that the rock art depicted domestic species with different art styles. In Somaliland, the rock shelter called Damaline has polychrome paintings depicting sheep, wildlife, snakes, turtles and human figures with arrows. In the rock art in the Gudka Hardhka caves in northern Somaliland, the iconographic representation of a camel confirms the phenomenon of increased aridity.[74] Evidence from archaeological works elsewhere in Eastern Africa shows that the prehistoric pastoral economies had “some resemblance to that of the present inhabitants”.[75] In the eastern Lake Turkana area, depictions in the “middle to the third millennium [BP]” show the presence of both ovicaprids and cattle, but the camel appeared only later."

Please note the dating here, and the origin of pastoralism and pastoralists in the Sahara and their gradual movement east. Cattle only reach the Nile valley by 7000 BP. The Holocene only begins at 5000 BP. The pastoralists reach the Ethiopian highlands by 3000 BP. From other sources we know that the Southeastern Cushites were still a single population at Namoratunga in 300 BC, so the notions Sammales were in the Horn for 9000 years or that Oromo and Somali separated 4000 years ago, are just not tenable.
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