Romania recalls ambassador to Kenya after racial slur, "the African group has joined us" when he saw a monkey outside a window


I'm more upset at Kenya for not expelling the whole mission
You get the treatment you tolerate. It's not even about being poor, I doubt he would have made derogatory comments about the hosts like this in Addis or some South Asian country, because they know there'll be backlash


@Reformed J @AbdiFreedom @Nilotic

A lot of these African countries like Kenya, Ghana, Senegal, etc had peace and a market economy for 60 years and they're still have a per capita of $2k.

I expect to actually see a lot more incidetns of racism and disdain for black Africans from not just randos online but from officals and politicans globally. People generally like to punch down, and as Africa's share in this chart increases while everyone's elses decreases sharply, the more people clock on that there's really something wrong with SSA

What Italian gypsies (aka Romanians) said about us is irrelevant. Gee, we Africans should not let ourselves be bothered by the words of the undeserving (aka Romanians).