Russia launched missile attacks near Polish borders.

The truth seeker

Life , liberty , and the pursuit of happiness
Vladimir putin is all tough talk trying to distract the population from the demographic and economic decline at home oldest trick in the book 😂

Nikita Khrushchev is rolling in his grave now way Russia would have been humiliated like this in 1964

Internet Nomad

Zoomers finally reaching the age of adulthood and ready to go out into the world and make something from themselves.

Vladamir Putin:


Untill PPL address Russia root cause argument and not deflect to the objectives they seek to pursue. Their not interested in some middle power role in this western world.

That's the root issue, does things need to be spelled out and said over and over, that is just being provocative then.

They been given their role in BRICS world order and that western zone is their sphere of influence and their bloc and reports to Moscow. They will pursue those objectives and any partnership to realize it.

They put up with alot post Soviet fall and now saw their being encircled, that's not the conduct of a genuine actor. They also reiterate the biggest violator of UN rules based order is the western bloc.

Value wise democracy this and that the west will need to prove where humanity gave them the mantle to decide and enforce this upon the world.

Now im a betting man and judging by entropy and disorder being natural and decay across all life, the west only saving grace now is with great change comes great entropy and disorder, things usually don't get better with radical change, have u noticed everytime u demand change or new u like damn the last dude wasn't this bad.

PPL cud be begging why did we let the west fall look at this mess now. We turn them into siyad barre all asking for forgiveness. It's the fear of change which they can instill fear in ppl heart it will just get worse for u and fear love it or lump is the language of the world.

If they don't find a way of smooth transition and slowly not volatile and shocks ppl will be praying why did we get duped by change. The advantage is always with the incumbent not the change order.
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Theres a certian level of diplomacy needed when dealing with these Warmongers and corrupt politicians who advocate for tensions to reach a breaking point of no return. Religous Law may have limited influence on gonvernance, but aplying Moral Advocacy, Community Action, and institutional safegaurds, such risks could be minimized.