@Nilotic apparently Germany is now claiming they can stop relying on Russian gas in around 2 years, which is much faster than I expected.
I thought they would be able to reduce it significantly in that time but not get rid of it.
Germany ramps up capacity for LNG imports to replace Russian gas
Germany took steps to ramp up liquefied natural gas (LNG) imports on Thursday as it moves away from piped Russian supply, renting four floating storage and regasification units (FSRUs) and choosing the North Sea port of Wilhelmshaven as the first handling
That's genuinely surprising. The German experts I followed estimated that it would take at least 3 years before Germany could extricate itself from Russia.
Gas was always going to be harder to replace than oil; the Russians make far more money from oil and that was the first thing to be targeted by the EU.
The Russians make over $700 million Euros per day from selling gas to the EU, so it will have to find alternative markets otherwise it's done.