Sad news! Alla ya Rahma! The young girl burned by "husband" has passed away.

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Grigori Rasputin

Former Somali Minister of Mismanagement & Misinfo.
Staff Member
Wariyaha SomaliSpot
Kismayo should be ashamed !

She had no chance of survival in hell hole Somalia although over 20k was raised for her.

#RIP-Zuleykha....she was only 17 years-old and was killed bc she didn't prepare him dinner
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Grigori Rasputin

Former Somali Minister of Mismanagement & Misinfo.
Staff Member
Wariyaha SomaliSpot
Aun the man needs to be excuted. Her family must take things into hand.

Stop young marriages

She was an orphan ( from both sides). Was raised by an "aunty" which I suspect was not first aunty. So the guy knew that she had no family.
that man needs to be publicly strung up and set on fire, and his body should lay there and rot. he doesn't even deserve a burial. let the vultures have his ass. fucking xoolo

Grigori Rasputin

Former Somali Minister of Mismanagement & Misinfo.
Staff Member
Wariyaha SomaliSpot
Sad. Will the money be given back now that she is dead? Who will take it

WHATTTTTT :damedamn:who cares abt that money! Hopefully they'll use it for her funeral and the rest can go to her needy immediate family, the ones that raised her.


Free Wi-Fi > Free Palestine
And vile misogynistic wadaads are smearing the government for passing violence against women bills.

Grigori Rasputin

Former Somali Minister of Mismanagement & Misinfo.
Staff Member
Wariyaha SomaliSpot
that man needs to be publicly strung up and set on fire, and his body should lay there and rot. he doesn't even deserve a burial. let the vultures have his ass. fucking xoolo

There's no credible authority in Kismayo and females are cheap expendable livestock over there. Count your blessings


Your superior
WHATTTTTT :damedamn:who cares abt that money! Hopefully they'll use it for her funeral and the rest can go to her needy immediate family, the ones that raised her.

The reason I ask is because the 'aunt' and the people who didn't care about her will pocket the money.

I say use it to set up an organization all over somalia that tackles domestic violence


Free Wi-Fi > Free Palestine
The reason I ask is because the 'aunt' and the people who didn't care about her will pocket the money.

I say use it to set up an organization all over somalia that tackles domestic violence

Shocking as it may seem, there are men in the country who will fight that.
Her tol needs to take revenge for her. If a man was killed they would have done that but knowing Somalis misogynist attitudes back home they won't do anything. AUN
His own family is probably protecting him from facing justice.

This is why our country is a mess. There is so much corruption and xaqqdaro.

A family friend who recently came back from Somalia was telling me how bad things are for young girls. She is from a small village outside of Xamar. Her young cousin (15) eloped with a guy. Her mother is elderly and sick and father has passed away. The brothers got married and moved away. So this little girl was the only one cooking and cleaning and she had enough of that. It was suspected that she eloped with a guy but nobody knows where she went. This is commonplace for girls back home. Marriage is the only option for them. She told me many of them get divorced with 1/2 kids in tow then remarry and have another 2 kids. When the guy realises he can't feed her and the kids, he tells her to go back to her family home. That's the sad reality. If they had more options and support they would make better choices.
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