Said A. Deni accusses Gaas to be behind fighting in Cagaare and says its a pity for him to be there

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Siciid Cabdullaahi Deni oo Madaxweynaha Puntland ku eedeeyey dagaalada Cagaare- DHEGAYSO

Posted: HORSEED STAFF - December 24, 2017 Leave a Comment

Siyaasi Siciid Cabdullaahi Daani oo horey u soo noqdey Wasiir iyo Xildhibaan Dowladda Federaalka Soomaaliya ayaa waraysi uu siiyey Idaacadda SBC ka hadley dagaalada ka dhacaya deeganaada Cagaare iyo Qorille ee dhulka hoostaga Soomaali Galbeed ama Ismaamulka Soomaalida Itoobiya.

Siciid Cabdullaahi Daani ayaa sheegay in dagaaladaas laga lee yahay dano gaar ah oo ay jiraan cid hurinaysa oo isku gubeysa dadka walaalaha ah.

Siyaasi Daani ayaa Madaxweynaha Puntland ku eedeeyey dagaaladaas, waxaana uu meesha ka saarey in dagaaladu salka ku hayaan daaqsin iyo biyo ee ay jiraan gacmo kale oo ku jira meesha oo dano siyaasadeed kale.

Waxaa nasiib darro ah iyada oo dad masuuliyiin ah ay halkaas ka dhawyihiin oo uu ugu horeeyo Madaxweynaha Puntland in arrintaas la xakameyn waayo, waxaana ay muujineysaa in aan masuuliyadii sidey ahayd loo gudaneyn, laguma mar marsiyoon karo aanooyin hore ayaa jira ama muranku daaqsin ayuu ku saabsan yahay, waxaana halkaas ka muuqanaya faro gurracan ayuu yiri Siciid Cabdullaahi Daani

Siciid Daani ayaa sheegay in ay muhim tahay in xal laga gaaro dagaalada, cidii jebisana la isugu tago dagaaladaas.

Dadka deegaankaas waxay wada noolayeen iyaga oo dalka maamulo jirin, xeer iyo wanaag bay ku noolaayeen maamulku in uu uga daro maaheyn ayuu yiri, iyada oo aragti siyaasadeed iyo dano gaar ah laga lee yahay ayuu yiri Siciid Dani.

Deegaanada lagu diririyo ayaa ah dhulka ay ka taliso Itooobiya oo aan hoos imaan maamulka Puntland ama Somaliland, Itoobiya waxay horey uga digtey in Puntland ciidamadeeda ay halkaas geyso.

Dagaaladan ayaa socdey muddo ka badan 15 sano, marar badan ayaa heshiis laga gaarey, waxaana hadda loo ballan sanaa in beesha Cumar Maxamuud bixiso 1000 halaad oo mag ah oo heshiiskii hore la xiriira, ka hor inta aan malayshiyo ka soo jeeda beesha Dhulbahante aysan 10 qof oo reer guuraa ah ku dilin deeganadaas maalmo ka hor, taas oo sababtey in dagaaladu dib u qarxaan.

Dowladda deegaanka Itoobiya ayaa horey u ballan qaadey in ay deeganadaas geyneyso ciidamo ilaaliya heshiiskaas, taas oo aan marna dhicin.

Hadalka Siyaasi Dani oo la sheegayo inuu murashax u yahay xilka Madaxweynaha Puntland 2019 ayaa kusoo beegmay xili Madaxweyne Cabdiweli Gaas uu ku sugan yahay degmada Burtinle ee gobalka Nugaal.

Madaxweynaha Puntland ayaa dib u dhigay safar uu ku tagi lahaa Gaalkacyo isagoo weli ku sugan Burtinle halkaasi oo uu ka wado dadaal lagu nabadeenayo beelaha dirirtu dhexmartay, mana cada sababta siyaasi Dani uu eeda xiisadaasi dusha uga saaray Madaxweynaha.
He accussed that there is shadowy political hands behind the fighting and not two clabs fighting for pasture and gruevances and said its a pity for Gaas to be so close and near the fighting but unable to curb it.


Medical specialist in diagnosing Majeerteentitis
He accussed that there is shadowy political hands behind the fighting and not two clabs fighting for pasture and gruevances and said its a pity for Gaas to be so close and near the fighting but unable to curb it.

So he's unable to curb it but he's also behind it? :ayaanswag:


Medical specialist in diagnosing Majeerteentitis
You said he was behind it and now you're introducing another theory. Stick to one story line and don't change your narrative
Abdalla Deni made the right assumption in that Gaas travelled to Burtinle and the fighting went on right under his nose. He was in Burtinle to defuse it but a bigger fight started after he arrived. For someone who is claiming to be a authority figure who could not even intervene in a huge fighting taking place 20 km from him right under his nose shows that Deni was right to call it what it is.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
This man is corrupt during the time of prime minister Abdiweli shiekh he was one of the parliamentary members who was bribed to bring a motion against prime minister Abdiweli shiekh ahmed.

I seen him putting his hand up to oust prime minister Abdiweli shiekh during the motion in parliament.
He is a former Presidential candidate of Somalia and a candidate for Puntland 2019 Presidential race. He has a record for building and having a lions share in the private schools and curriculum of Puntland that were established after the government collapsed.


He is a former Presidential candidate of Somalia and a candidate for Puntland 2019 Presidential race. He has a record for building and having a lions share in the private schools and curriculum of Puntland that were established after the government collapsed.

Let me guess, he's also from ur Qabiil
mrlog assumptions much? He is from my larger clan so are others in here. We share lineage but that comes from being from the same state and people who are competing for the top position in Puntland.

I believe from the last selection of the Puntland President out of 11 candidates 10 were from the same sub nomination and remaining one was their uncle.
If he wants to challenge for the puntland seat in 2019, making up stories and talking negatively about the current president without sufficient evidence won't help him to the seat..

I say he needs to rethink his strategy and try again, so far all he did was damage his integrity..

Saalax Bidaar

Truthfulness so often goes with ruthlessness
Saalax Yes, we will have majority candidates from Bari region this election.

It's theirs.....we operate on turns
I like that system of Mahmud Saleeban. But I do think you need to expand the circle to Cali Saleban, Siwaaqroon, Rer Biciidyahan, Dashiishe, Warsangeli and Lelkase.
Saalax you understand it more than some of the kids who claim to hail from there. That system is at the heart of our fabric. Some call it the same the Mahmud Saleebaan system.

The clans you mentioned are small and have no chance.

A lot of people want it to be expanded and closest is Faroole's finance minister Farah Ali Shire from the Ali Saleebaan who is running a campaign but it will be tough as reer Qardho think it is their turn.

Saalax Bidaar

Truthfulness so often goes with ruthlessness
Saalax you understand it more than some of the kids who claim to hail from there. That system is at the heart of our fabric. Some call it the same the Mahmud Saleebaan system.

The clans you mentioned are small and have no chance.

A lot of people want it to be expanded and closest is Faroole's finance minister Farah Ali Shire from the Ali Saleebaan who is running a campaign but it will be tough as reer Qardho think it is their turn.



I could agree with you but then we’d both be wrong
This Saahid Qamaan dude works for the PSF. Seems like he knows too much... Or he's good with predictions.
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