Satanic Human Sacrifice Ritual at the Home of Science (CERN)

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The place were supposedly the 'God Particle' is being searched and the mythical 'Big Bang' re-created, many of you would likely be surprised to discovered that a Satanic occultist Human Sacrifice has taken place by the scientists whom were filmed secretly by a person that now has been killed for it.

The main stream media went into damage control quickly depicting this as a 'mock human sacrifice' and removing the occultist satanic overtones in their news report after being forced to cover it.

For those of you that are aware or even read some of the stuff I write wouldn't be surprised by these scientist conducting these satanic rituals.

They would know that they as well as all the leaders of the western world are all part of secret societies, all occultist satanist that actively worship them daily with absolute pride, vigour and total submission.

While they wholeheartedly tell their brainless Somali subjects like @dhegdheer @VixR @The_Cosmos to not worry about all this because we live in a Godless world were all these things are fairly tales, while they laugh at them in their voodo pedo child blood sacrifice rituals.

Take a look at the video for yourself.

Chilling 'satanic human sacrifice' video spooks scientists working at world's biggest particle accelerator CERN

Source Of CERN Sacrifice Video Found Dead
That video made me laugh ngl maybe it's the tone of the narrator

I am surprised it didn't put you into a mental coma, a subdued trance like state with severe allergic cognitive dissonance blow back and anger.

The Anger that Aabe Godfather Jini Bakhti Gaal has lied to his little princess for all these years and mislead her in that damned life.
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I am surprised it didn't put you into a mental coma, a subdued trance like state with severe allergic cognitive dissonance blow back and anger.

The anger that Aabe Godfather Jini Bakhti Gaal has lied to his little princess for all these years.

Why would it be a lie when this beauty exists?

How can you confirm that the video was shot in Geneva?

That's not even disputed, every single main establishment media reported it while you was watching netflix movies and discussing manicured nails with @dhegdheer

Just do a simple google search of "human sacrifice cern" and watch every establishment news cast you blindly worship show up, I hope Aabe didn't forsake you like he had forsaken qhasaaro dhegdheerey
That's not even disputed, every single main establishment media reported it while you was watching netflix movies and discussing manicured nails with @dhegdheer just do a simple google search of "human sacrifice cern" and watch every establishment news cast you dearly (blindly of course)

With the recent wave of fake news, you think I'm gonna believe it? You think the authors give a shit? They are part of the establishment too, you know.:draketf::lawd:


Pepe Trump
It was clearly exposed as fake but then again, nothing outside of your closed minded ideology will ever convince you that the world maybe isn't out to get you? I mean, when you convince yourself that everything is a lie and anyone who says otherwise is a brainwashed tool of the big bad whiteman, how could you ever be wrong?

Go home, and just rethink the way you wish to live your life.

Fake human sacrifice filmed at Cern, with pranking scientists suspected
It was clearly exposed as fake but then again, nothing outside of your closed minded ideology will ever convince you that the world maybe isn't out to get you? I mean, when you convince yourself that everything is a lie and anyone who says otherwise is a brainwashed tool of the big bad whiteman, how could you ever be wrong?

Go home, and just rethink the way you wish to live your life.

What a pathological shameless liar, tell me why that person whom secretly filmed it unauthorised is now dead ?

It's funny when I expose you guys, you go into an epileptic fit and run off coming up with conspiracies to put your heart at rest.

It went from a 'mock' ritual to non occultist, to just a 'prank', yeah right! this is the most guarded facility, it's not some play ground were everyone can come and go you moron.

I am absolutely enjoying this, showing your true faces and masks to this world, the conspirators in this thread are you guys not me, your own main establishment sources, videos, media, the killing of the person that filmed and the nature of the security of CERN makes you the lot of you the crazed conspirators here pal.


Pepe Trump
What a pathological shameless liar, tell me why that person whom secretly filmed it unauthorised is now dead ?

It's funny when I expose you guys, you go into an epileptic fit and run off coming up with conspiracies to put your heart at rest.

It went from a 'mock' ritual to non occultist, to just a 'prank', yeah right! this is the most guarded facility, it's not some play ground were everyone can come and go you moron.

I am absolutely enjoying this, showing your true faces and masks to this world, the conspirators in this thread are you guys not me, your own main establishment sources, videos, media, the killing of the person that filmed and the nature of the security of CERN makes you sound like a lunatic.

Please provide me with a credible source that has claimed that this man is dead? I have literally searched it up and I have found nothing but conspiracy loving websites and conspiracy loving people on YouTube. Saxib, how the f*ck did you post yournewswire as evidence? Are you really this fucking retarded to even believe that I would look upon such a website as a credible one? Do you not fucking see that they're conspiracy theorists? You then quoted the mirror. I know why you did that because it was the only credible news outlet that quoted the claim that the recorder died. However, showing to your lack of actual fucking credibility, you have refused to acknowledge that they did not corroborate such a claim.

You have consistently proven yourself to be a conspiracy loving fool, who chooses to wear a tinfoil hat and claim the world is out get everybody. When you create a bubble around yourself and refuse to let in anything that contradicts your world view, then of course we're liars. Simply put, provide a credible source that clearly corroborates that the man who shot the video is dead. Simple.


Pepe Trump

This is the article you posted originally:

The video was uploaded to YouTube by 'Richie from Boston' who wrote: "This is new footage caught on the grounds of CERN, videotaped from inside the building.

He later added: "So it turns out the origin of the video posted for the sacrifice at CERN has been found - the problem is, the man is dead. Now hoax or no hoax, let me remind you all we have seen this before and we know all that expose this evil are killed or made to disappear."

Ok, let's go and find a bit about this man "Richie from Boston".

I just checked out his YouTube channel and it explains quite a lot. He is just as "woke" and conspiracy loving as you. He doesn't believe that humans have actually gone to space, and thinks that the illumanti are real. (Ironic considering that the original group was filled with religious intellectuals and non religious intellectuals who wished to dispel superstition).


It was clearly exposed as fake but then again, nothing outside of your closed minded ideology will ever convince you that the world maybe isn't out to get you? I mean, when you convince yourself that everything is a lie and anyone who says otherwise is a brainwashed tool of the big bad whiteman, how could you ever be wrong?

Go home, and just rethink the way you wish to live your life.

Having seen the video of scientists engaging in a ritual to Shiva the god of destruction - on a facility that has a high security clearance - what evidence in the video makes you dismiss it? All we can see from the video is a ritual; there is no explanation of motive.

Your whole argument stands on you taking the word of outlets hypothesizing that it was a prank. That's it, nothing else - the motive was explained away by some desk jockey just from watching the same video. Yet you hold this position so strongly. Appeal to authority on steroids me thinks.

Back to the question: from watching that video, what makes @Inquisitive_ wrong and the desk jockeys right? I'd appreciate if you explain it to me.

Remember, "it must be so" or "duuh", are not adequate answers.
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Pepe Trump
Having seen the video of scientists engaging in a ritual to Shiva the god of destruction - on a facility that has a high security clearance - what evidence in the video makes you dismiss it? All we can see from the video is a ritual; there is no explanation of motive.

Your whole argument stands on you taking the word of outlets hypothesizing that it was a prank. That's it, nothing else - the motive was explained away by some desk jockey just from watching the same video. Yet you hold this position so strongly. Appeal to authority on steroids me thinks.

Back to the question: from watching that video, what makes @Inquisitive_ wrong and the desk jockeys right? I'd appreciate if you explain it to me.

Remember, "it must be so" or "duuh", are not adequate answers.

I have not asserted anything to be true and the media outlets have not asserted anything to be true. The spokesperson for CERN claimed it was just a prank and an investigation was assigned into the whole ordeal. Now, as I have clearly exposed, @Inquisitive_ literally made a massive claim that the man was dead, his evidence being that a conspiracy theorist also claimed the same thing. The mirror did not corroborate the story but only mentioned the conspiracy theorist because he was the one who posted the video. So far, he was exposed to have no real evidence, beside conspiracy loving websites, and instead of facing up that he chose not to.

Another thing that makes it clearly not a satanic ritual, from my perspective, is the fact that they did this to shiva. I mean, logic dictates that if you're going to do conduct a ritual to Satan then perhaps do it for Satan! It's like conducting a ritual to Bellona The goddess of war. None of this actually points to anything beside it being what the spokesperson claimed it is.

If you wish to prove what you lot are claiming is true, then the way to do that is present facts that corroborate your claims and not just 'woke' nonsense stolen from conspiracy theorising websites.

OP made a massive claim and his claim was debunked.


Pepe Trump
[Baqarah 2:18] Deaf, dumb and blind; and they are not to return.

Dont waste your time on these xoolo , they will not see the light.

Ok, if I were to demand evidence for the Islamic claim the Muhammad flew to heaven on a winged horse, Adam and Eve are real, the sun was created before the heavens, Noah's Flood and so on, would you be able to provide such evidence?
Ok, if I were to demand evidence for the Islamic claim the Muhammad flew to heaven on a winged horse, Adam and Eve are real, the sun was created before the heavens, Noah's Flood and so on, would you be able to provide such evidence?

The complexity of just a single cell of the human like the 600.000 pages of information single DNA strand holds, the chances of that single strand coming together by chance in perfect synergy if we use basic probability theory is VIRTUALLY ZERO

Now that's just a single strand/genetic code, we haven't even gotten to the rest of the human complex components, that alone is 1000000000x and many times more of a miracle then a winged horse that flew to heaven.

Speaking of miracles and the absurdities, as someone that believes even far absurd stuff beyond the single strand of DNA code that everything around us came by chance/accident then evolved from a single spec of cosmic dust.

I am amazed at how you are baffled at a winged horse flying to heaven when you believe in a trillion times worse in regards to everything coming by itself just like the very horse itself from a single spec of dust.

You already took an epic leap of faith quadrillion times worse, but your bothered by a winged horse? not the horse itself? every probability/logic metrics we use here would magnify your utter stupidity and this coming from a man that believes in flying Dinosaur like creatures that existed and the rest of the absurdities

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Pepe Trump
The complexity of just a single cell of the human like the 600.000 pages of information single DNA strand holds, the chances of that single strand coming together by chance in perfect synergy if we use basic probability theory is VIRTUALLY ZERO

Now that's just a single strand/genetic code, we haven't even gotten to the rest of the human complex components, that alone is 1000000000x and many times more of a miracle then a winged horse that flew to heaven.

Speaking of miracles and the absurdities, as someone that believes even far absurd stuff beyond the single strand of DNA code that everything around us came by chance/accident then evolved from a single spec of cosmic dust.

I am amazed at how you are baffled at a winged horse flying to heaven when you believe in a trillion times worse in regards to everything coming by itself just like the very horse itself from a single spec of dust.

You already took an epic leap of faith quadrillion times worse, but your bothered by a winged horse? not the horse itself? every probability/logic metrics we use here would magnify your utter stupidity and this coming from a man that believes in flying Dinosaur like creatures that existed and the rest of the absurdities

View attachment 14689

Again, you're exposing your lack of understanding of literally all fields of knowledge. I will demonstrate this.

The complexity of just a single cell of the human like the 600.000 pages of information single DNA strand holds, the chances of that single strand coming together by chance in perfect synergy if we use basic probability theory is VIRTUALLY ZERO

The problem with this statement is that it comes to a wild conclusion literally from nothing. The complexity of the human single cell did not arise out of chance, that's just a baseless claim you've made that isn't supported by actual science. The origin of life, not to be confused with the origin of species aka evolution, is something that scientists themselves haven't figured out completely. It's still a working progress although they do have some hypotheses. Nonetheless, the building blocks of DNA is believed to have arose via the chemicals that were present at the primordial earth.

Furthermore, this is the perfect example of the arguments ad ignorantiam (The argument from ignorance). I don't know how this could happen, therefore god must've done it. Your lack of understanding of something is not evidence for your presumptions, it's evidence for your lack of understanding.

Now that's just a single strand/genetic code, we haven't even gotten to the rest of the human complex components, that alone is 1000000000x and many times more of a miracle then a winged horse that flew to heaven.

False, something coming from nothing doesn't violate any laws of physics but a man flying to heaven on a winged horse does. Things come in and out of existence all the time in quantum mechanics, an example would be photons that jump in and out of existence almost at will. Now, Muhammad flying to heaven on a winged horse clearly violates the most basic of laws. Giving a horse wings doesn't instantly mean it can bloody fly.

Speaking of miracles and the absurdities, as someone that believes even far absurd stuff beyond the single strand of DNA code that everything around us came by chance/accident then evolved from a single spec of cosmic dust.

Again, that's false. If you're going to challenge me at least represent me fairly. The Big Bang theory is a fact of science and doesn't attest to what could have possibly caused the universe but rather it only attests to the fact that it occurred. Same with evolution. It doesn't attest the origin of life but only to how the complexity of life occurred when the first single cell organisms came into existence. Point is, learn about these things if you wish to call them out as absurd. These scientific theories have passed all the possible criteria required of them to be regarded as scientific facts.

Definition of scientific theory in case you don't know:

I am amazed at how you are baffled at a winged horse flying to heaven when you believe in a trillion times worse in regards to everything coming by itself just like the very horse itself from a single spec of dust.

You already took an epic leap of faith quadrillion times worse, but your bothered by a winged horse? not the horse itself? every probability/logic metrics we use here would magnify your utter stupidity and this coming from a man that believes in flying Dinosaur like creatures that existed and the rest of the absurdities

Ok, let me show you how out of touch with reality you lot seem to be. According to Islam, Allah just so happens to exist with no real explanation, he created everything from nothing (yet needed Adam's rib to create Eve), and exists from nothing. Tell me, if the universe cannot just exist then why should I entertain the hypocritical idea that your god can somehow exist from nothing? You know what that's called? It's called special pleading and you have drowned yourself in that today.
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