Saudi military officer reports Saudi war crimes and leaves Islam

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he defected to Germany

The west remains blind to the war crimes of this hellish country

Their blindness is due to blindfold they have on, so they can commit mass atrocities and havoc in other parts of the world.

Who used to fund isis and the Syrian rebels and caused the iraq war and the anarchy we see? Compared to that Saudi Arabia is an amateur.
Who used to fund isis and the Syrian rebels and caused the iraq war and the anarchy we see? Compared to that Saudi Arabia is an amateur.
Saudi Arabia and Qatar funded ISIS and the Syrian "rebels" though
They also have make a huge percentage of ISIS fighters and members

Osama Bin Laden and 15/19 of 9/11 hijackers were Saudi nationals

I'm not making excuses for America who has a heinous foreign policy but to call Saudi Arabia an "amateur" is an understatement
he defected to Germany

The west remains blind to the war crimes of this hellish country
Because Saudis got oil. When we say the west, it is almost always America since they are the police of the world. America turns blind eye to what the Saudis do in Yemen as we as what they do in their own countries. If the west cared about democracy and freedom as they always preach, they'd have invaded Saudi.
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