Savage attack on 18 year old Somali boy

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An Eritrean refugee cuts off a Somali refugees ears, stabs the poor boy in the eyes and neck.

"It sounds like scenes from a horror movie. A 19-year old man from Eritrea has cut in Schlüchtern (Main-Kinzig) a 18-year-old Somali ears, nostrils and eyelids. This was confirmed by a spokesman for the prosecutor Hanau on Wednesday.

He also had stung him in the attack on Friday with a knife in the eye. The act took place in the victim's home.

Local resident heard loud screams
When the two men is asylum seekers who had homed in separate apartments.A local resident had heard loud screams late Friday and informed the police.

The officers broke the door, as the alleged perpetrator just choked his victim.Investigators from an attempted homicide. The intervention of the officials could probably prevent worse.

Victims not interrogated
The police had reported on Monday about the case. Here, however, they spoke only of severe facial injuries. The extent of the cruelty was not known until now. The portal had first reported.

What is behind the attack, is completely unclear. Although the victims hover not in critical condition, but has not yet been interrogated, the prosecutor's office. The alleged perpetrator had so far been no information about the fact.

What is behind the cruel deed?
Notes on a ritual act lying to investigators for words of the speaker currently not before he closed the well is not enough. Also whether and to what extent the victim had resisted, was not known.

Against the suspects arrest warrant on suspicion of attempted manslaughter and aggravated assault. He sits in Wiesbaden on remand.


How diabolical, at least the Somali guy is alive, although I'm not sure if I would want to be alive after going through that.
"Ritual act", this is why I don't f*ck with Africans who aren't religious


. . .
If I was the Somali guys family member, I wouldn't hesitate to attack the Eritrean guy, that raw meat eating scum deserves to have the same done to him :pacspit:This poor young Somali boy will forever remember this incident every time he looks in the mirror (that's if his eyesight is still okay)


Pro Women's Rights|Centrist
What I don't understand is why the Somali kid never defended himself, how are you going to let someone dismember you? This kids family are idiots if they don't go after that Eritrean and do the same to him. If I were from that country, I would do it for him for free. :pacspit:Two wrongs don't make right, but it makes us even.:pacspit:
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Crowned Queen of Puntland. Supporter of PuntExit
Wait what was he doing when the Eritrean scum bag was doing that to him? Atleast kick him or something. His cousins or brothers should go after that raw meat eating scumbag!
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