Save EVROPA kids are funny

It's beautiful to watch them coping and seething I love their tears. They love crying about globalization when they were the ones who started it. Far right inbreds should know that Europe wouldn't have had immigrants if their ancestors didn't come to Africa in the first place they should accept that fact but they won't they'll rather blame the Jews than face the truth 😂

Internet Nomad

White people are the ones who came to us first and the biggest pushers of globalisation.

Why does a large part of the african continent speak english or french? Why does south America speak Spanish and Portuguese?
White people are the ones who came to us first and the biggest pushers of globalisation.

Why does a large part of the african continent speak english or french? Why does south America speak Spanish and Portuguese?
In fact. White immigrants literally took over countries in southern Africa and settled there. The same thing they cry about africans doing to Europe just 30 years ago was being done to Africa.

We must send the white population back to Europe in boats if they are so serious about this save EVROPA shit.

Internet Nomad

In fact. White immigrants literally took over countries in southern Africa and settled there. The same thing they cry about africans doing to Europe just 30 years ago was being done to Africa.

We must send the white population back to Europe in boats if they are so serious about this save EVROPA shit.
The only way that i would even consider the plea justiable if all the cadaan left Canada, America, South Africa, Australia and NewZealand.

Even then they have repent their track record of globalisation


Cast in the name of God Ye not Guilty
Inbred Cadaan folks when they come to the rest of the world to loot, steal and be savages:
:rejoice: :qri8gs7:😁

Inbred cadaan folks when they realise stealing, looting and being savages has consequences and people don't have homes:

