Scientific Miracles In The Quran

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I never thought I'd have any thing good to say about Hamza Tzortis, but this video is interesting. In the early 1990s I used to hand out booklets about the "scientific miracles in the Quran". It bore an affinity to a similar phenomenon known as the "mathematical miracles in the Quran" which was invented by a Muslim biochemist called Rashad Khalifa who was promoted by Ahmed Deedat.

It was very impressive and came in handy for da'wah. Then Rashad Khalifa discovered something even more remarkable. He held a press conference one day and said that he was the Messenger of Allah. He set up his own masjid and began attracting followers. People stopped talking about his mathematical miracles after that and he was eventually murdered.

Muslims realized that his mathematical discoveries were an innovation that has no basis in Islamic theology.

But the "scientific miracles" narrative has persisted. I've been saying for a while that this stuff is equally bogus and that no classical tafsir has ever understood the Quran to be a book about physics, chemistry, or biology. When you look up the verses which are alleged to have scientific content, you discover that they bear no resemblance to scientific theories at all. The Quran is a book of spirituality, not a science textbook, or a mathematics textbook, or a history textbook.

But now the Salafis are speaking out against this narrative as well. Hamza Tzortis and Mohammed Hijab are dropping this stuff like a hot potatoe. There are so many websites debunking it as fraudulent and unscientific that they've realized that if people's trust in the "miracles" is destroyed, then so will their trust in Islam. This stuff was always innovation and bid'ah, but apparently some innovations are okay so long as they make a convert or two.

The funny thing is that people like Zakir Naik who champion it stole this idea from Christian and Hindu missionaries who claim there is divinely revealed scientific truths in their holy books.
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There's a well known video produced by some Arab organization asserting that a number of Western scientists who were invited to a Mideast conference have converted to Islam because of these "miracles" which have been denied by those very scientists who've taken to YouTube to refute the allegation:

This Quranic miracles argument was a way for people to look edgy and cool. But it's notable these people never use the Quran to make new scientific discoveries themselves. They wait till something is discovered by non-Muslims, and then claim it was presaged by Allah's book. Well, why didn't you save us all the trouble habibi and do it yourself? You'd win a Nobel Prize every year.

When you look at the so-called scientific miracles that no scholar in history had ever heard of till they came along, they turn out to be fraudulent. The Qur'anic verse which is allegedly about the Big Bang says Allah separated the heavens and the earth. That's not how physics describes the creation of the universe because the earth formed billions of years after the Big Bang, after the formation of matter and energy and gravity and nebulae. It's a false interpretation. There was no earth in the beginning.

Another verse they claim is a scientific miracle is the one that says Allah created mountains to stop the earth from shaking. If that was true, there would be no earthquakes. As for the embryology stuff, open a biological textbook and you will see there are many, many steps in the evolution of a zygote to a baby that is not covered by the Qur'an. Why would it when it was revealed to illiterate Stone Age people who did not have ultrasound?

The Quran is about one's relationship to the divine. It's a book about spirituality and only spirituality. It's not about astrophysics, engineering, algebra, history, or politics.

These guys who promoted the scientific miracles idea are backtracking now because critics of Islam are pointing out errors in their phony attempts to make vague and nebulous Quranic verses that have nothing to do with science fit modern theories. Look up "scientific miracles in the Quran debunked" and you get videos like this:

Mohammed Ghilan is a sheikh who knows what he's talking about on this subject. He's not only a scholar but he has a PhD in neuroscience. Mashallah, he's an expert in both sacred and secular disciplines, which is more than can be said for most of the Saudi brainwashed clowns who talk about Islam. And he totally debunks the nonsense of the "miracles" crowd. He also avoids making a total fool of himself like scientifically untrained people such as Hamza Tzortis and Mohammed Hijab when talking about science:

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