Self Hating posters yaa naga aamusiiya

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Some posters here have a deep inferiority issues and it manifest its self in their Arab worshiping habasha obsession posts. It makes the whole place awkward because here we are in Somali forum and half of the time we talk about these people why?
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Couldn't agree more.


Suicidal men adore me.
It's embarrassing. Somalis being more concerned with different countries and their struggles than our own. Somalis praising other ethnicity while talking trash about their own. I swear it's really embarrassing. Until I joined this site I wasn't aware we had so many self haters.
Why do you have to have an inferiority complex to like Arabs, blacks, Habashis, Latinos, cadaans or anyone else for that matter?

Its personal choice. Maybe it's you who u has problems.


Suldaanka Gobyare
It's always the Arab wannabes that hate other Somalis for petty reasons

Also thats some naagnaag shit to claim other ethnic blood. I said it before you must be a fruity nigga if you do that. No other explanation.


not so sad after all
my theory is that certain people do it to increase the traffic to this site and present somali people as a petty people who just talk about other ethnicities all day because they have nothing but xiin in their little hearts ..:mybusiness:
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