SeniorTerrorists arriving from Mogadishu caught by Puntland. Sparks security concern

So, these were known operators with their photo IDs released to the public, and with a monetary prize on their heads. How is it possible they could fly out of Xamar airport?

It would then make sense to conclude these operators were under the direction of NISA, with the intent being to slip into Bosaso whilst Las Anod, Garowe & Galkacyo were being distracted elsewhere.


So, these were known operators with their photo IDs released to the public, and with a monetary prize on their heads. How is it possible they could fly out of Xamar airport?

It would then make sense to conclude these operators were under the direction of NISA, with the intent being to slip into Bosaso whilst Las Anod, Garowe & Galkacyo were being distracted elsewhere.

Anything managed by hawiye is corrupt and dysfunctional by LAW, it's systemic also so not 1 or 2 bad hawiye anomolies but CULTURAL. PSF is way older then NISA, born in 2003, they have foiled hundreds of terrorist attacks, and for 20 years only 3 incidents evere happened.

Now compare them to NISA, shabab laughs at them and is inside NISA itself kkkkk they can't even protect themselves let alone other somalis, bombings, suicide attacks, military attacks are DAILY. Why? Becuz it's run by HAWIYE, are somalis scared to pin-point the CLAN is a DISEASE? Everything they manage is like like NISA or worse and more dysfunctional.

That's why the SFG govt is a joke


If we say Isaaq waa 'cuqdud' ku dhex jiro somalia(runti khatarteeda leh as we see their clan record in terrorism) I say Hawiye waa cudur ku dhex jiro Somalia becuz their issue isn't 1 or 2 bad hawiye anomolies, it's systemic and CONSTANT. No-one has the balls to step up and say hawiye waa cancer ku jiro somalia and if we dont stop treating them with kiddy gloves, denial, silence or other pathetic responses, that cancer will spread and consume all of us as Somalis.

A diseased clan(cudur) and inferior clan(cuqdud) ayaa dalka nala joggo, we cant work with such ppl runti ayaan tvga hortisa istaagi laha to tell somalida fiyow ee darod. U can't build a nation with 'cudur plus cuqdud' clans, u simply cant, it's time we accept this reality rather then assume it will change or fix itself lol fix itself kkkkkk
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