serious q:how many here have been influenced by forums such as this one

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not so sad after all
in thought process, and opinion?

Reason am asking is because many of the things i read on here-seems to be stemming from some propaganda machine, the way it has been drilled into the heads of users.:cosbyhmm:

Im sure most things started off as memes or running gags but people started taking them too seriously:|


Meticulously calculated...........
The amount of stupid arguments i have read on this side.......... i thought it was trolling at first until i was here for a week and some of these users seem to be pretty consistent with their level of stupidity. sometimes i just look at the screen and wonder what kind of people they associate with in real life, i ask myself how they have managed to hold a job and what kind of discussions they engage in around their friends.
i try to avoid it and stick to the banter this forum offers which i enjoy, we have people of different age groups and the varieties in humor is something to be grateful for.


Crowned Queen of Puntland. Supporter of PuntExit
The amount of stupid arguments i have read on this side.......... i thought it was trolling at first until i was here for a week and some of these users seem to be pretty consistent with their level of stupidity. sometimes i just look at the screen and wonder what kind of people they associate with in real life, i ask myself how they have managed to hold a job and what kind of discussions they engage in around their friends.
i try to avoid it and stick to the banter this forum offers which i enjoy, we have people of different age groups and the varieties in humor is something to be grateful for.

What you're forgetting to realize is, this is the Internet. Everyone can type how they please. We censor ourselves in real life and you expect us to censor ourselves on here? I admit I'm not the most lady like when it comes to this site, but I'm just having fun, having jokes, literally laughing my ass off. Saying the words f*ck and ass as how I please. This is the beauty of the Internet, you can literally do as you please (except for illegal stuff). I wish people would loosen up abit more. This isn't a dating site, you're not here for your future spouse, I hope people would take the stick out of their asses ( I said ass again, boooyaaah) and enjoy the interweb.

John Michael

Free my girl Jodi!
My opinion of somali people has slightly changed for the worse unfortunately.:meleshame:

But I suppose from the beginning I was a bit too naive, I probably have a more realistic view now which is disappointing.:patrice:

Also I'm surprised at how much people know about qabil (tbh most of what I learnt was from history books). Also I genuinely thought I came from the most qabiliste family but I know now that's not even a little bit true.:russ::snoop:

ironclad urchin

the somalis i knew growing up and the somalis on this forum are one and the same. other than prehaps my siblings and parents, most somalis are ignorant and vile. they claim muslim but the shit that comes out of their mouths makes you think otherwise. and theyre all after some fucked up agenda.
Somalis are fucked individuals nothing can save us from such twisted reality, I've never seen a group more tribalistic/self serving than Somalis. I have limited contact with others in real life but this is a neutral point of view. I wasn't instigating or implying anything

since coming everyday my faith in Somalinimo keeps detoriarating


Medical specialist in diagnosing Majeerteentitis
I feel sorry for everyobe that takes these forums as a platform that represents reality. I have seen some members changing their views based on what they see here.


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
I was mostly an innocent Somali patriot before I joined the other site, morphed into your standard qabilist, than buy the grace of God rejected that ideology.

One thing that has changed is my perception of Bantus :lol:
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