Sh/Dhexe bans Salafist clothes Niqaab!

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December 25 (Jowhar)—Maamulka gobolka Sh/dhexe ayaa ka mamnuucay haweenka inay xirtaan indho shareerta iyo in mootooyinka Bajaajta loo yaqaan aysan socon karin xilliyada habeenkii.

Maamulka gobolka Sh/dhexe ayaa ku macneeyay sababta loogaga mamnuucay magaalada indhoshareerta inay tahay iyadoo ay ku soo dhex dhuuman karaan rag doonaya in ay falal amni darro ka fuliyaan magaalada.

Good job.
Suicidebombers and thiefs can hide inside niqab.
Niqab threatens security and is not part of islam.


Illegal immigrants also hide under niqab. They found illegal west African labourers and Oromo hiding under niqaab and stuffing their bras. Enough is enough.


The West Africans or other black Africans were in Jubaland a few years ago I don't have a link for it but the Oromo were in Booraame someone posted a video of one caught red handed it was filmed in the police station I'll see if I can find it.


Last year, I went to a bacadla back home to buy a few souvenirs. A Somali woman who was standing right beside me was wearing "The Batman" and suddenly she stuffed dheri karinta underneath it. The owner of the stall clocked the irregular bulk under her jilbab and called a couple of other guys, pinned her to the floor and took off her jilbab and he hit her with a skoobe. I will never forget that day walahi! ceebay tacal! afka gacanta saray, inallilah wa ina illahay raji'uun.

There have also been many robberies in the West involving West African/Caribbean men wearing niqabs and jilbabs to disguise themselves smfh!

Niqab and Jilbab can never be worn the same again.
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