Shame on Puntland Development Standard


Shacabka magaalada CArmo ayaa si isku tashi ah ku hagaajiyay Burbur baahsan oo gaaray Laamiga weyn ee isku xira Carmo iyo gobolada Puntland.

Inkaar alla idin ku rid. I am sick of these southern conditioned majertens ruling our land who has brought back the filthy southern, incompetent and corrupt culture. Puntites must demand in the next election, we must never ever elect anyone who has been exposed to Mogadishu.

This shame cannot continue. Even 3rd world countries can build international standard infrastructure, why can't PL? Are we 4th world too like that trusteeship in Mogadishu?

Shame, Shame, Shame on Puntland. Wadan aan dhisi karin international standard infrastructure isn't even 3rd world, all african countries can do such task, but in PL, we build, the quality is 4th world and then we have to re-do the work constantly.

The business people must be told, if they don't deliver international standard and end this 'southern mentality' of corruption and hoping to get more return work from under-delivered projects will only result in their company joinng the black list.

Crab Memo GIF by pikaole
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Puntlanday my criticism of you is only due to my Love of my ancestoral land so it can join and be apart of the 3rd world and distinguish itself from the 4th world Trusteeship in Mogadishu. That's my only agenda. But look at every 3rd world cawaan country, their govt can manage and implement world class infrastructure only their shacab ma firfircoona(not industrious) ayaa lagu caaya becuz they won't be able to develop their markets even if all the infrastructure is allocated.

PL doesn't suffer shacab liito waa shacab firfircoon waxay rabta dawlad adag si waxani oo kale under-delivered projects doesn't happen. We must review khasaaraha naga soo gaadhayo electing presidents who were exposed to Mogadishu as they are bringing back their 4th world UN trusteeship culture.

Boqor osman and sultan of warsangeli were arrested and exiled and their sultanate demolished to join this pan somali union. Those two wise Kings knew these ppl inaysan 'wanaag' noo keenaynin any somali union but noone in their time period saw their wisdom, they were ahead of their time and peers. I fear DR osman will never be fully understood by my time and peers also, so i understand the pain of the WISE.
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I just want hawiye and south central inay 4th world trusteeship ku dhex jiran becuz ayagu maba isla hisabtaman al hamdulilah ama mar hore bay kici lahayeen to defend sharaftooda, isla hisaabtan la'anta hawiye between themselves is a positive strength for us becuz they will alway forever be insulted by somalis and foreigners, but in PL our isla hisabtaman must continue to ensure sharafta puntland.