Share a Hadith or an Islamic saying

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From Ibn Masood (ra) who said that the Prophet (sas) said: "Among that which reached the people from the words of the earlier prophethood: If you feel no shame, then do whatever you wish." (Bukhari)

Muslims only and no derailing or mockery/sarcasm.


Suicidal men adore me.
As much as I hate him and his beliefs, he's free to post in religion section or the generals. I must be fair. I am a fair man

There's a whole section devoted for religious discussion and topics. I'm sure his fanatic ass would get angry if I stormed in the religious forum and decided to discuss non religious thinks. If religious topics are not restricted to the religious forum then what's the point of the forum?


There's a whole section devoted for religious discussion and topics. I'm sure his fanatic ass would get angry if I stormed in the religious forum and decided to discuss non religious thinks. If religious topics are not restricted to the religious forum then what's the point of the forum?
Stop being ridiculous. People, breathe live and speak religion everyday?


Please please mods can you tell this idiot to keep this in the religious forum. @AbdiJohnson
Warr shut up waryaa. I post on whatever section, about whatever topic I want, whenever I want ma garatay. By Allah had it not been for the fact that I'm striving harder to be a better Muslim, I would have roasted you.


Suicidal men adore me.
Warr shut up waryaa. I post on whatever section, about whatever topic I want, whenever I want ma garatay. By Allah had it not been for the fact that I'm striving harder to be a better Muslim, I would have roasted you.

My Allah roast all terrorist hopefully you're not one of them


Suicidal men adore me.
I support authentic jihad (not ISIS's one). If that makes me a terrorist, then so be it.

Yeah. It does. I bet you're on countless of watch lists. You fit the stereotype. 17, no friends, no social life and had turned mosque into home. Yep they're watching you. As they should


Yeah. It does. I bet you're on countless of watch lists. You fit the stereotype. 17, no friends, no social life and had turned mosque into home. Yep they're watching you. As they should
I'm actually a 21 year old Uni student. I have more friends than you ever will. I attend Masjid on a daily basis, what's your point? We know you're a low life. It's beneath me to even reply to you subhanallah. :oh6b81q:


not so sad after all
I'm not disgusted just annoyed. Religious Somalis are practiclally fanatics who don't have a life nor a goal that doesn't not involve jannah.

I'm not disgusted just annoyed. Religious Somalis are practiclally fanatics who don't have a life nor a goal that doesn't not involve jannah.
whats wrong with it? whats stupid is people who want to party this life at the expense of a better more eternal life, and risk burning in hell for years

and most religious somalis do have others goals,too
Here are some sayings of the Prophet Muhammed (Hadith) that help us understand his inspirational character…

  • “A Muslim who plants a tree or sows a field, from which man, birds and animals can eat, is committing an act of charity.” (Muslim)
  • “There is a polish for everything that takes away rust; and the polish for the heart is the remembrance of Allah.” (Bukhari)
  • “What actions are most excellent? To gladden the heart of human beings, to feed the hungry, to help the afflicted, to lighten the sorrow of the sorrowful, and to remove the sufferings of the injured.” (Bukhari)
  • “The most excellent Jihad is that for the conquest of self.” (Bukhari)
  • “If you put your whole trust in Allah, as you ought, He most certainly will satisfy your needs, as He satisfies those of the birds. They come out hungry in the morning, but return full to their nests.” (Tirmidhi)
  • “Allah will not give mercy to anyone, except those who give mercy to other creatures.” (Abdullah b. Amr: Abu Dawud & Tirmidhi)
  • “Say what is true, although it may be bitter and displeasing to people.” (Baihaqi)
  • “Kindness is a mark of faith, and whoever is not kind has no faith.” (Muslim)
  • “When you see a person who has been given more than you in money and beauty, look to those, who have been given less.” (Muslim)
  • “If you do not feel ashamed of anything, then you can do whatever you like.” (Abu-Masud: Bukhari)
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