Sheikh Barbaraawi on Anderson Cooper's visit to SL

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Crowned Queen of Puntland. Supporter of PuntExit
Anderson Cooper is a reporter. I wish most people would learn the meaning of a personal life. He didn't spread his lifestyle, he was simply doing his job and reporting about a school. This sheikh should focus on spreading the deen and teaching youths the meaning of coexisting. Instead of condemning everything that they don't see fit.
Anderson Cooper should have never visited those clowns. There was no story. There are better things to report than some shitty little school that no self respecting person would enrol in. Low standards. If my child or sibling was a student there, I would be ashamed and embarrassed.
The problem with Somali Sheiks today is that they are too reactionary in their behaviours. Instead of giving talks on relevant and important issues facing Somali society they focus on dumb stuff like in this video. Honestly have you ever seen Domali wadaads rallying and speaking out against the Somali caste system , which deprives our fellow Somali MUSLIM brothers and sisters of their basic human rights ??. But somehow they have time to give an emotional speech condeming a random homo or fefuting some other sheikh . . Like wtf ?. Until Somali sheikhs start addressing real issues facing Somalis they wont be taken serious any time soon.
The problem with Somali Sheiks today is that they are too reactionary in their behaviours. Instead of giving talks on relevant and important issues facing Somali society they focus on dumb stuff like in this video. Honestly have you ever seen Domali wadaads rallying and speaking out against the Somali caste system , which deprives our fellow Somali MUSLIM brothers and sisters of their basic human rights ??. But somehow they have time to give an emotional speech condeming a random homo or fefuting some other sheikh . . Like wtf ?. Until Somali sheikhs start addressing real issues facing Somalis they wont be taken serious any time soon.
How do you know he hasn't spoke about everything you mentioned already? Why do you make assumptions?
Our people are welcoming this homosexual, our young sisters are taking pictures with him and somehow you think the wadaad should keep quiet? War yaa ilaahi yaqaan, some of you have strayed far away wallahi. I advise you to take the time to learn your deen, sadly some of you have already lost it.

I have been to many muxaadaros and Jimce khutbahs and also watched many online. The majority of the time they talk about the evils of the gaalos , politics or Islamic legal issues i.e haram or halal.They hardly touch upon the problems facing Madhibans and yibirs. They're too pre occupied with enemy or how to do wayso/wudu. Majority wadaads are eifher emotional reactionaires or obsessively pedantic. That's just my observation.(sorry for the gypos im on bloody phone).
Our people are welcoming this homosexual, our young sisters are taking pictures with him and somehow you think the wadaadgjjk should keep quiet? War yaa ilaahi yaed far away wallahi. I adghh you to take the time to learn your deen, sadly some of you have already lost it.
In all honesty which problem do you think needs our urgency. The plight and suffering of Somali MUSLIM minorities that has been going on for centuries and still continues , or a American khaniis that was in SL for a couple hours and took selfies?. Which one deserves to be discussed in every Masjid and maqaaxi , which one should make our blood boil and compell us to take action ?. (The questions are rhetorical btw i think everyone knows the answer).


Your superior
Anderson Cooper is a reporter. I wish most people would learn the meaning of a personal life. He didn't spread his lifestyle, he was simply doing his job and reporting about a school. This sheikh should focus on spreading the deen and teaching youths the meaning of coexisting. Instead of condemning everything that they don't see fit.

I hope he doesn't focus on teaching kids, we don't want beheadings in our streets


Your superior
Anderson Cooper should have never visited those clowns. There was no story. There are better things to report than some shitty little school that no self respecting person would enrol in. Low standards. If my child or sibling was a student there, I would be ashamed and embarrassed.

You hate good education, stick to blue color jobs


Your superior
Our people are welcoming this homosexual, our young sisters are taking pictures with him and somehow you think the wadaad should keep quiet? War yaa ilaahi yaqaan, some of you have strayed far away wallahi. I advise you to take the time to learn your deen, sadly some of you have already lost it.

I welcome his. He isn't here to promote his lifestyle but to report. I hope you hypocritical neef take your own advice and move back to Puntland since homosexuality is legal in the USA
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