Shirk Warning! What are y’all’s thoughts on Ataturk and Kemalism


East Africa UNUKA LEH
You know what, I use to think Kemal Attaturk was a secularist nutjob who hated Islam and wanted to destroy Islam in Turkey.

He might have not liked the type of Islam practiced by Ottomans, but without him, they would be no turkey as we know it today. He literal save the Turks from becoming laangaab, if someone did that for us Somalis and united all the Somali speaking areas, who knows we might ave felt what the Turks feel to towards Attaturk.

The West powers wanted to crave up Turkey, give some to Greeks, Syria, Kurds and Armenia
Ataturk was a secular mason who wanted to eradicate islam from the turkish mind. he was also probably the most authoritarian guy in power post the ottomans ever since turkey became a democracy. he also set up the military to intervene in governance if "islamist" took over through democractic means. in the past coups took place and governments where dismantled and the last one was done to erdogan but he was able to reverse it on them, taking that power way.

Ataturk did create the turkish identity tho
You know what, I use to think Kemal Attaturk was a secularist nutjob who hated Islam and wanted to destroy Islam in Turkey.

He might have not liked the type of Islam practiced by Ottomans, but without him, they would be no turkey as we know it today. He literal save the Turks from becoming laangaab, if someone did that for us Somalis and united all the Somali speaking areas, who knows we might ave felt what the Turks feel to towards Attaturk.

The West powers wanted to crave up Turkey, give some to Greeks, Syria, Kurds and Armenia
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the issue is that a turkish identity didn't really exist in its current form until attaturk hence why he is called attaturk (father of the turks) turks are basically multiple ethnic groups who pushed under one banner of the turksish language. in reality the average turk could be ethnically greek, kurd, Armenian etc if you did a dna test. this is not comparable to somalis who are ethnically homogenous. if he pushed for more land they would all equally be claiming a turkish identity



Keep coping.

The fact is Muslims completely failed to meet modernity on their own terms. If Istanbul was another Jerusalem, with the Turks being treated like Palestinians, they'd ilicit more moral support from people like you, but because Ataturk showed to create a respectable modern nation state you have to be secular and not waste time with bullshit jurisprudence, they get scorn from a lot of Muslims because it's not another weak backward shithole.


East Africa UNUKA LEH

Keep coping.

The fact is Muslims completely failed to meet modernity on their own terms. If Istanbul was another Jerusalem, with the Turks being treated like Palestinians, they'd ilicit more moral support from people like you, but because Ataturk showed to create a respectable modern nation state you have to be secular and not waste time with bullshit jurisprudence, they get scorn from a lot of Muslims because it's not another weak backward shithole.
Your fall from grace is sad to witness
His only fault was not annexing more of the Middle East. Mosul and Damascus should be waving the Turkish flag.

It was centuries of Turkish (Ottoman) rule that gave rise to Arab nationalism and lead the Arabs to reject Turkish rule in places like Mosul and Damascus.

The Turks only have themselves to blame for their decreasing influence in MENA.
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You know what, I use to think Kemal Attaturk was a secularist nutjob who hated Islam and wanted to destroy Islam in Turkey.

He might have not liked the type of Islam practiced by Ottomans, but without him, they would be no turkey as we know it today. He literal save the Turks from becoming laangaab, if someone did that for us Somalis and united all the Somali speaking areas, who knows we might ave felt what the Turks feel to towards Attaturk.

The West powers wanted to crave up Turkey, give some to Greeks, Syria, Kurds and Armenia
View attachment 278489

How did he save Turks from being laangaab? The territories that would be ceded to the Europeans was mostly inhabited by non-Turks.

Also, your comparison of Ataturk to a Somali equivalent doesn’t make sense. He managed to recapture land that was settled by Kurds, Armenians, Arabs etc.

If you want to put into a Somali context, that would be like the position of Armenia taking occupied Armenian lands from eastern Turkey, which Ataturk later foiled. Basically what the Ethiopians did to us during the ‘77 war.

As far as loosing land to the Europeans, that was the ‘normal’ procedure for being on the loosing side of a world war (at the time). Look at what the Germans lost in the treaty of Versailles around the same time.
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Lebron James

4 Time NBA Champion
He saved his nation and gave them pride, why wouldn't they love him and use his ideology. If they follow his path they'll keep growing.
How did he save Turks from being laangaab? The territories that would be ceded to the Europeans was mostly inhabited by non-Turks.

Also, your comparison of Ataturk to a Somali equivalent doesn’t make sense. He managed to recapture land that was settled by Kurds, Armenians, Arabs etc.

If you want to put into a Somali context, that would be like the position of Armenia taking occupied Armenian lands from eastern Turkey, which Ataturk later foiled. Basically what the Ethiopians did to us during the ‘77 war.

As far as loosing land to the Europeans, that was the ‘normal’ procedure for being on the loosing side of a world war (at the time). Look at what the Germans lost in the treaty of Versailles around the same time.
View attachment 278498

Exactly, he won and save them from losing all that territory and gave them pride.

Don't be a hater.
Turkey is a lot better under Kemalism, Erdogan is running the Turkish economy into the ground with the ever falling Turkish Lira and his failed economic and social policies
He was incredibly based. Some of his ideas bordered on western fetishism rather than being a genuinely Turkish romantic nationalism. But his secularization of Turkey and defeat of the colonizers was nothing short of remarkable. That said he was a bit more hostile on Islam.
Overall the man is a hero of the Turkish nation.

