Shocking - Greek Coastguard intentionally try to kill asylum seekers

This guy seriously acting like an unhinged victim when he quoted and lied about me, and now through emotionalism, speaks in the typical uncontrolled hyperbole of a child. What you were shamelessly peddling was entirely dealt with since it cannot withstand basic scrutiny. It's that simple. Stop this crying nonsense. Out here justifying the killing of women and children and crying like a victim now. Scum lowlife.

Irresponsible liars like you talk recklessly because you have no intelligence to speak upright and lack morals, not to mention akhlaq. You've demonstrated that you're beneath being responded to. People like you are like cockroaches; there is no limit to where you will not go in a conversation because of your foul desperation, so henceforth, beyond this post, you're terminated.

You've out-used your quota, so don't quote me again. These two responses to you were merely to put you in your place, while also informing similar people with fallacious bankrupt views such as yourself that you adopted from an adolescent 4chan incel hub, everything beyond this is a diminishing return for me because people like you lack shame, there is no limit to how low you could go. People who don't respect themselves have no limits.

You thought this was an intellectual exercise. Not at all. It was me responding to your bullshit about a real-life topic that is not rocket science. You can put a crown on your head with 'loser' inscribed on it. Congratulations. I don't care about your ego or intellectual obsession, whatever is fueling this bizarre approach.
You aren’t even an atom when compared to me, I’ve soundly beaten, intellectually castrated, molested and abused you. Now flee before my terror and never show yourself again!


I am referring to this:

Greece traded 400k Muslims with Turkey’s 1.2 Million Christians. This allowed both countries to maintain religious homogeny, which is ironic for Ataturk.
They invaded Anatolia in 1919 and intended to colonize the region, which led to their defeat in 1922 and the population exchange the year after.

Map of their territorial goals after WW1, in the 1919 Paris peace conference by Greece's Prime Minister:

Their goal was to ethnically cleanse Anatolian inhabitants, just like how 5-7 million Balkans were ethnically cleansed/killed for being Muslim. Ataturk defeated them, and that led to the population exchange. Whats the reason you're attacking Ataturk in this situation for, and painting the Greek's so favorably, as if Turks were the villains here? Read up on how many people Greece killed in their invasion, something like 1.5 million civilians were ethnically cleansed and/or killed in those 3 years.
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You aren’t even an atom when compared to me, I’ve soundly beaten, intellectually castrated, molested and abused you. Now flee before my terror and never show yourself again!
You might want to lay off the Mohammed Hijab videos, sxb. They're starting to turn you into a clone of him, save for the intellect.



Min Al-Nahr ila Al-Ba7r
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (Article 14), which states that everyone has the right to seek and enjoy asylum from persecution in other countries. The 1951 UN Refugee Convention (and its 1967 Protocol) expands upon this to include those who are fleeing war, persecution, disasters which can also include famines and natural disasters such as earthquakes or floods.

Where does it say “in a neighbouring country” like you claim.


Min Al-Nahr ila Al-Ba7r
Whats the reason you're attacking Ataturk in this situation for, and painting the Greek's so favorably, as if Turks were the villains here?

I am not really defending Greece, I just find Ataturk a hypocrite. His party has a history of beating Islam in public but using it to further their goals.

For example, in the 1940s, his party basically introduced a non-Muslim tax to drive out non-Muslim Turks and to divide their assets amongst Kemalists.

Read this:

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I am not really defending Greece, I just find Ataturk a hypocrite. His party has a history of beating Islam in public but using it to further their goals.

For example, in the 1940s, his party basically introduced a non-Muslim tax to drive out non-Muslim Turks and to divide their assets amongst Kemalists.

Read this:

1/4 of Turkey's ancestry is descended from Balkan muslims that were ethnically cleansed from their indigenous lands the last 200 years. Around 20 million muslims who would be living in europe.

If they did that then kemalists are based chads in this regard, despite their anti-islam stance.


Cast in the name of God Ye not Guilty
its a bit hypocritical tho. in all sense, greece hasnt pushed any non greek person out of their homes. I will never understand why asylum seekers want to die to get here. its a humiliation.
Even so, we cant really say anything lol. I remember the MOU that was signed by bihi and there were somalis straight up forming vigilante groups to hunt down any oromo they saw living in somalia's coastal cities :deadpeter:


Min Al-Nahr ila Al-Ba7r
1/4 of Turkey's ancestry is descended from Balkan muslims that were ethnically cleansed from their indigenous lands the last 200 years. Around 20 million muslims who would be living in europe.

If they did that then kemalists are based chads in this regard, despite their anti-islam stance.

I am not saying that is right but I am just merely commenting on a government that purely uses Islam when it benefits them.

Also, it was not like the assets from that tax was distributed equally. The average Turk didn’t benefit whatsoever from this “jizya” they levied. All the money and property seized was designed to make Kemalists richer.


I am not saying that is right but I am just merely commenting on a government that purely uses Islam when it benefits them.

Also, it was not like the assets from that tax was distributed equally. The average Turk didn’t benefit whatsoever from this “jizya” they levied. All the money and property seized was designed to make Kemalists richer.
It was a 15 month harsh tax, no point crying and losing sleep over it 80 years later.
its a bit hypocritical tho. in all sense, greece hasnt pushed any non greek person out of their homes. I will never understand why asylum seekers want to die to get here. its a humiliation.
Even so, we cant really say anything lol. I remember the MOU that was signed by bihi and there were somalis straight up forming vigilante groups to hunt down any oromo they saw living in somalia's coastal cities :deadpeter:
Even if its risky at least its better than going through Libya and getting enslaved. Did older Somali generations back in the 90s went through such life threatening journeys when they fled the country?