Shocking story that happen between 2 somali besties

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I came across and I felt to bad for the sister. We have so many snakes in our community. Always be aware yall?

So the best friend moved to the place where the woman's husband-to-be was living and then the best friend and the husband-to-be got married instead??

Wow, that could not have been me, I would have killed them both


or I would have ruined their lives, no way I'm the only one suffering​
see thats why you shouldn't trust these females around your man. if your both single dont let her nowhere near your man to be. some of these girls are CRAFTY!
There was a story how one married woman took her bffs husband. She moved into her house! You can't trust anyone.


cismaan maxamuud
they weren't even together. they were feeling each other but she brought her "friend" with her and the friend stole her potential mate.
i'm speaking generally,if man's getting that punani on a daily why the hell would he be searching for something else:what1::what1:
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i'm speaking generally,if man's getting that punani on a daily why the hell would he searching for something else:what1::what1:
well men are men. one pussy is never enough. there are many out there who have amazing marriages but end up going to somalia or kenya o marry a 2nd wife. why? because they can. men are xoolo and we should all just become lesbians.


cismaan maxamuud
well men are men. one pussy is never enough. there are many out there who have amazing marriages but end up going to somalia or kenya o marry a 2nd wife. why? because they can. men are xoolo and we should all just become lesbians.
if women spice up the sex and change it up a little i doubt that men would be acquiring second wives.

whatever floats your boat :ohno::ohno:
if women spice up the sex and change it up a little i doubt that men would be acquiring second wives.

whatever floats your boat :ohno::ohno:
be honest, if you LOVED your wife and she gave you mind blowing pleasure in the bed, but you saw this young xalimo who was into and was INCREDIBLY good looking (in another continent so the two wives will never see each other) would you not be tempted into getting wife number 2? its halal :siilaanyosmile:


cismaan maxamuud
be honest, if you LOVED your wife and she gave you mind blowing pleasure in the bed, but you saw this young xalimo who was into and was INCREDIBLY good looking (in another continent so the two wives will never see each other) would you not be tempted into getting wife number 2? its halal :siilaanyosmile:
it depends, if my wife is the jealous type imma have to keep on enjoying the mind blowing pleasure:ahh::ahh::ahh:
but if she's a cool gal and dosent give two shits even though that's pretty rare,i'm going to become a farax living the life of Hannah montana.:siilaanyolaugh::siilaanyolaugh:


at the end of the day it's gonna be a tough one,on the plus side xalimos back home are lacking essential nafaqo :susp::susp:
raxoo is raaxo young or old :fittytousand::fittytousand:


cismaan maxamuud
be honest, if you LOVED your wife and she gave you mind blowing pleasure in the bed, but you saw this young xalimo who was into and was INCREDIBLY good looking (in another continent so the two wives will never see each other) would you not be tempted into getting wife number 2? its halal :siilaanyosmile:
And if i ever get married to a second wife back home she better be taking contraception pills,man aint trying to get bribed by using the child .
it depends, if my wife is the jealous type imma have to keep on enjoying the mind blowing pleasure:ahh::ahh::ahh:
but if she's a cool gal and dosent give two shits even though that's pretty rare,i'm going to become a farax living the life of Hannah montana.:siilaanyolaugh::siilaanyolaugh:


at the end of the day it's gonna be a tough one,on the plus side xalimos back home are lacking essential nafaqo :susp::susp:
raxoo is raaxo young or old :fittytousand::fittytousand:
TYPICAL MALE :pacspit::pacspit::pacspit:

lets be honest though all men think like that. sometimes i wonder if they ever feel love for any woman (that isn't their mother).


cismaan maxamuud
TYPICAL MALE :pacspit::pacspit::pacspit:

lets be honest though all men think like that. sometimes i wonder if they ever feel love for any woman (that isn't their mother).
i havent fallen in love yet so i'm completely oblivious to how it feels.I'm just a lustful somali youth trying hard to stay on the deen in this god forsaken world.
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