Should a and Somaliland work together?

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Just look at this map for a second my fellow geeljires. This is the silk road China has drawn as part of the One Belt One Road initiative, a massive project to build infrastructure trade routes from China to the rest of the world.

Somalia will be crucial for this to come to fruition. Notice how the line encircles the entire Somali coast:hmm:, we can have a massive economic boom from this project. Berbera, Bosaso, Kismayo, and Mogadishu ports will all benefit. This is the shot in the arm we need to promote peace instead of division. Development instead of war. Doesn't necessarily have to be reunification but working together to benefit as a whole.

If two gangs from different blocks can work together as a cohesive unit to push drugs, so can a.

The hyenas are encircling us, salivating over our piece of the pie. This is why Ethiopia and UAE are so invested into our ports. Why would Farmajo negotiate with the likes of UAE snd Ethiopia, which are essentially middlemen when he can cut a deal with the main supplier, China.

The Chinese can help us build our ports, involving a third party will only result in our shares getting smaller and our revenue diminishing. This is why the sheikh of the golden toilet seat and the feminine TPLF stooge were plotting in Addis Ababa.

Whether you're a Slander, Plander, Jubalander, or from Banadir state, Ethiopia and the UAE is our enemy. God I get so angry when I see fellow my geeljires bootyclapping for the enemy
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When you can afford Somalia the minimum respect such as call it by its name, we may talk.

All I'm asking is that we put Tukaraq aside to seek jihad for a greater cause. Those who die in battle in Addis Ababa enter paradise but those who die in battle in Tukaraq enter jahanam.

I'm sure Al Shabaab and ISIS will join the cause too. Bantus can lead the frontline, sort of like a human shield, so they can reduce in #'s and provide adequate cover needed to flank the enemy. Win-Win situation saxiib:obama::obama:.

When the dust settles, we can squabble over Tukaraq
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