Should we tax Islam

Should we tax the middle eastern product

  • Yaaas

    Votes: 1 50.0%
  • No, I will behead you and blow myself up in your toilet

    Votes: 1 50.0%

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Your superior
It is foreign import, like foreign imports it needs to be taxed, I say we tax mosques, we tax muslims, we tax school organisations that spread it.


It depends on where you are from. You can't tax your people's religion, Saudi Arabia can't tax Islam as it was made there but they can tax Christianity since it is foreign. U get me

Christianity began in the Middle East, not that far away from Al Aqsa and the wailing wall. Buddhism is Asian. Europe and America would have to tax themselves or it would be illegal under international law.


Your superior
Christianity began in the Middle East, not that far away from Al Aqsa and the wailing wall. Buddhism is Asian. Europe and America would have to tax themselves or it would be illegal under international law.

I am saying unless it is from you country x tax it.


There are more religions then those 3

Which countries did you have in mind for the tax? Europe and USA are mainly Christian. Easter, Christmas and even New Years would have to go or face a tax. The calendar would have to change and Churches would become museums.
You want atheists machine gunned.

I have said no such thing to the believers.

I said "prefer". I didn't say I want it. I gave an alternative to taxing.

If you were to have the upper hand, you Atheists would outlaw Islam in Somalia and create policies that would crack down on Muslims in the country.

There's a reason why I strongly advocate that the Somali Federal Government execute Atheists such as yourself. It's because you're so rotten and corrupt to the core that you deserve nothing else.
If you were to have the upper hand, you Atheists would outlaw Islam in Somalia and create policies that would crack down on Muslims in the country.

There's a reason why I strongly advocate that the Somali Federal Government execute Atheists such as yourself. It's because you're so rotten and corrupt to the core that you deserve nothing else.

So if it were Christians or Hindus instead, you would execute them as well?

Or how about Bantus? Would you kill them before they get the chance to get into power?

Also atheists are not rotten or corrupt otherwise the West would be like Africa and the Middle East. You beg to live with us godless people. We have no interest living with you but you insist.

1 million came by boat and walked to godless secular Germany in 2015.
I don't know about taxing an entire religion, but we should definitely tax individual clergy members.
Some Somali clerics like Sheikh Umal have grown fat and rich from lucrative business deals.
If these rich clerics come to Somalia, they need to be taxed.
But that won't happen because these clerics are master manipulators of the superstitious Somali mind. They will rattle off a few verses in Arabic and demand that they be exempt from the taxation laws because it is the will of Allah, and ignorant Somalis will comply with their demands.
So if it were Christians or Hindus instead, you would execute them as well?

Or how about Bantus? Would you kill them before they get the chance to get into power?

Also atheists are not rotten or corrupt otherwise the West would be like Africa and the Middle East. You beg to live with us godless people. We have no interest living with you but you insist.

1 million came by boat and walked to godless secular Germany in 2015.

No. I have no real problem with Christians, despite my fierce disagreement with their false religion. And Bantus are just one of the many races of people which God created, some of them being our Muslim brothers.

But you Atheists play the victim role while living amongst the Muslim community, pleading for tolerance and acceptance. But if you were to EVER get the upper hand in Somalia, your true face will come out. I know how corrupt you are, hence why I believe Somalia should be free of you Atheist dogs.
I don't know about taxing an entire religion, but we should definitely tax individual clergy members.
Some Somali clerics like Sheikh Umal have grown fat and rich from lucrative business deals.
If these rich clerics come to Somalia, they need to be taxed.
But that won't happen because these clerics are master manipulators of the superstitious Somali mind. They will rattle off a few verses in Arabic and demand that they be exempt from the taxation laws, and ignorant Somalis will comply with their demands.

Somalia should simply have a universal income tax which no one is exempt from, which would reduce the occurrence of tax avoidance and corruption.
@Kaafiye we already have the upper hand. We have placed conditions on your development aid. We will change you without firing a single bullet. Atheists and gays will be in power one day. I prefer gays take over Somalia than atheists and we already have an MP in Somalia who has voiced support publicly of gay marriage.

Honestly I don't believe in democracy. I believe it is a precondition for the next stage to happen: gayocracy, government of and by the gays.

Gayocracy is the final stage.

1)Feudalism/Clan control
2)Weak democracy/African "democracy"
3)Western democracy

Somalis are leaving the 1st stage and going to the second stage. The West will be the first to enter the final stage but Somalis will not be far from the last stage.


Free Wi-Fi > Free Palestine
It is foreign import, like foreign imports it needs to be taxed, I say we tax mosques, we tax muslims, we tax school organisations that spread it.

You don't want Islam to be spread? I've never heard a Muslim say that.

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