when your needs far outstrip your income, your desire deeper than your capacity, your pride exceeds your status,
your knowledge non commensurate with ambition, when suspicion rather than caution is your first defensive
instinct, when irritable is your constant companion, when avoidance of disappointment drives your actions
more than your willingness to give a chance, when your heart becomes more feeble and your compensation
is to close it off rather seek to renew it, when your patience is filled with other distractions because you cant
stand it,when you are apathetic to love, generally dismissive of others endeavours, when you talk while listening.
when intellectual pride stands in your way of accepting your limitations in a lot of matters and thus robs you the
chance of learning. all this and countless more are signs that your heart has been taken over and you are under the
possession of the evil one, may allah help you.
your knowledge non commensurate with ambition, when suspicion rather than caution is your first defensive
instinct, when irritable is your constant companion, when avoidance of disappointment drives your actions
more than your willingness to give a chance, when your heart becomes more feeble and your compensation
is to close it off rather seek to renew it, when your patience is filled with other distractions because you cant
stand it,when you are apathetic to love, generally dismissive of others endeavours, when you talk while listening.
when intellectual pride stands in your way of accepting your limitations in a lot of matters and thus robs you the
chance of learning. all this and countless more are signs that your heart has been taken over and you are under the
possession of the evil one, may allah help you.