Silaanyo Nephew (Berbera Police chief) gunned down

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Published On: Tue, March 2016
Somaliland: Berbera Police Chief gunned down
BERBERA— Sahil Police Chief Brigadier Abdirisak Yusuf Asayr gunned down by unknown assailants on Tuesday nearby at El Gardi.
The assassination comes after the police chief informed Berbera port manager that the assailants who vandalized vehicles and other properties at El Gardi were apprehended and were in police custody.
Reports coming from Sahil region confirm that the police chief was ambushed and was shot to death by unknown assailants.
Tension remains high in Berbera, Saahil’s provincial capital but details are sketchy over who is responsible when it comes to carrying out the killing.
Some reports point an accusatory finger on Berbera manager and the mayor of being fueling clan hostilities in the Sahil region although we cannot confirm that.


This guy was originally a police chief in Sanaag but the dominant clan of Ceerigaabo
aka Gadhweyn gave the Gov 24 hrs to change him after he caused some problems
there, then the Cisse Muuse murked him in Sahil when he was transferred to Berbera,
sad tragic ending for him AUN.He should have known Silanyo can't protect him. He
wasn't wanted in either cities.


Your superior
This neef and his hate had no limits. AUN he died serving his people. Those dogs will be excuted

Al Dhoobe

Dr. Dhoobe
War waxani wey dhacdaa, nimanki kadambeya dil toogasho baloo qorey.

Dhawr sanadood kahor askari Hj ah oo weliba solomadow baa niman ciidan ah oo Ha iyo GB hawdka ku laayey asna dalka ayuu ka cararey. Beesha awooda ugu badan somaliland waa ciidanka qaranka, nin dambiile ah oo dad laayey tolkiisi wax uu tari maayo.


@Dhoobe True those things happen, a lot of extra noise was made about this incident though compared to the Qorilugud incident.
It could be the reer Galbeed are more laid back while reer Bari xasaarada ku yara badan xoogaha.
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