silanyo with the blue Somalia flag

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wake up and smell the coffee
Sorry guys the pic was Photoshopped just checked plz the admin here delete the thread. Sorry I do not encourage the fake pictures.
Sorry guys the pic was Photoshopped just checked plz the admin here delete the thread. Sorry I do not encourage the fake pictures.
That photo faker than a $2 bill, you're so dumb smh! I hope this thread stays so everyone can see how what an imbecile you are
Even so, did you not think it was an implausible scenario anyway. Didn't your brain say, 'the president of SL is obviously not going to do that?' Like wtf, come on.


Your superior
Even so, did you not think it was an implausible scenario anyway. Didn't your brain say, 'the president of SL is obviously not going to do that?' Like wtf, come on.

Typical Reer Koonfur. Iq is the same as their shoe size
The. Why he is forcing the people to take Somaliland passport which cost them money for no reason?

Just politicking. Shit politicking at that.
But everyone would continue to do what is most convenient for them anyway when it comes to travelling.
There is nothing to feel shame about it

Peanut sized brained mooryaan not surprising you'd say that because your tribe has dragged the Somali name through the mud and not one of you shows a little remorse! Hutus should be banned from Somaliland
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