Since its International womans day I happened to come across this

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Ha igu daalinee dantaada raac
Happy International Women's Day

Although there really isn't very much to be happy about:

1. Somali girls are still experiencing the violence of FGM and physical harm

2. Our country is run by old men who care very little for the plight of women

3. Somali women are still having to marry for economic purposes above all else. For many, their livelihoods are directly linked to a man, and hence why 50 year old men can still marry a girl the same age as his daughters

4. Sexism is ripe and rampant within our own communities here in Australia. Women continue to be encouraged to have patience for men who do not provide, nor take care of their children, are absent, neglectful, marrying multiple women and in some extreme cases are committing acts of violence and abuse against their families.

They continue to be blamed for the deterioration of their marriages (you didn't light enough uunsi or wear make up etc) and labelled negatively if they choose to divorce. While our menfolk continue marrying anyone they please without a taint to their reputation.

5. Women continue to do the bulk of housework and child rearing whilst they also bring a financial contribution to their families.

Somali men, whether young or old continue to benefit in every way possible (financially and domestically) from their mothers and wives without reciprocating or acknowledging these women and the work done by them (aside from the occasional 'Somali women are so hard working mashAllah' comments at fundraisers while they comfortably sip their tea)

6. Women who speak about their God given rights continue to be shamed, belittled and labelled. They are called feminists and sinners for speaking out against sexism. The very act of asking for the haqq Allah has already prescribed is enough to make men hate a woman. I guess protecting their privilege is the number one priority for these men.
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