Slowly Dblock and Jeegaanta Clan will clash in major tribal war

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Weeping for the Nation of 68
As for us(Mogadishu clan), we be like:

Two enemies killing each other:banderas: early Eid present
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A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
As for us(Mogadishu clan), we be like:

Two enemies killing each other:banderas: early Eid present
Isaac will set up more suicide bombings in mogadisho cause they blame mogadhisho and the central government for funding and sending troops to puntland so brace yourself for them icitraaf bombs


Weeping for the Nation of 68
Isaac will set up more suicide bombings in mogadisho cause they blame mogadhisho and the central government for funding and sending troops to puntland so brace yourself for them icitraaf bombs


We will never join this war.

Until Hargeisa clan kill our clansmen in Waqooyi Galbeed.
Or Puntland kills our clansmen.

As for Alshabab, our clan is major player within harakada (look at the commanders).


Ilaahay Gargaaryeey Gabiley Qurux Badanaa
Mudane @SomaliWadaniSoldier I think you are forgetting your people called for Irir as well in 2006.

So many Hawiye were settled in Hargeisa after AY invaded.:dabcasar:

Or do you not remember Caydiid calling the Isaaq, Isaaq Irir clan in his various interviews in early 90's. :samwelcome:

Both sides beg it when it is convenient for them sxb, that is the facts.


Weeping for the Nation of 68
Mudane @SomaliWadaniSoldier I think you are forgetting your people called for Irir as well in 2006.

So many Hawiye were settled in Hargeisa after AY invaded.:dabcasar:

Or do you not remember Caydiid calling the Isaaq, Isaaq Irir clan in his various interviews in early 90's. :samwelcome:

Both sides beg it when it is convenient for them sxb, that is the facts.

Wallahi we never begged isaaq for assistence.


Isaac will set up more suicide bombings in mogadisho cause they blame mogadhisho and the central government for funding and sending troops to puntland so brace yourself for them icitraaf bombs
What goes on inside your head is a wonder. You are a fascinating individual and not in a good way.. You need to be studied for mental health issues..:jaynerd:
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Ilaahay Gargaaryeey Gabiley Qurux Badanaa
Well forbidding us from entering Hargeisa would be taking Major L :mjlol:

Isaaqs are noble that is my point, it wasn't our fight yet we helped you anyways. Most on here would have you think Isaaqs despise southerners when it is clearly not the case. :manny:

I wonder if you guys would do the same in returrn. :cosbyhmm:


Weeping for the Nation of 68
Isaaqs are noble that is my point, it wasn't our fight yet we helped you anyways. Most on here would have you think Isaaqs despise southerners when it is clearly not the case. :manny:

I wonder if you guys would do the same in returrn. :cosbyhmm:

Dude, we already welcome isaaqs who seeks better life in Xamar.
They work here in hotels etc

We would even welcome mjs.
Aslong their numbers are contained. And they are required to marry once and have only 2 children.


Ilaahay Gargaaryeey Gabiley Qurux Badanaa
Dude, we already welcome isaaqs who seeks better life in Xamar.
They work here in hotels etc

We would even welcome mjs.
Aslong their numbers are contained. And they are required to marry once and have only 2 children.

That is cool. Walaahi we don't need any assistance from Hawiye or D&M except for them to just sit back, relax and enjoy the show. :cool:

Ignore the crybaby Idoors saying otherwise on the net. They don't represent us.



A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Hypothetical question, If I give you back Caynaba will u stop there? :cosbyhmm:
In sha Allah harti wont stop till they reach burco all the women and children isaac have killed on their land insha Allah where ever harti see isaac on theirland we will kill them indiscriminately Allah willing this war will never end till harti is wiped out or isaac is wiped out totallyfrom the face of this earth
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