I know you folks got mixed sicknesses of Hawiye loving Stockholm syndrome with an extra Hawiye PTSD, but this clansman of yours @IslamIsTheAnswer is on PTSD shit of another high level, this nigga is brewing with anger, walahi i can feel his hate for the Beesha Barakeysan Hawiye from the Screens above.
When Siade barre died on the Godforsaken toilets of Ghetto Nigeria, almost all 99% Somalis reactions were like; ''Good riddance. Just another piece of shit Dictator wiped from the shoe of humanity'', but some minority of 1% from the Abodoon crew lost their marbles, i heard some even went apeshit killing themselves as they lost their sanity and some were even send to the psycho ward.
So i wonder if this nigga @IslamIsTheAnswer is sound at all, cause this nigga with his Shaytaan//Demon profile pic acts mad crazy, this guy needs another abo asap or better yet quraan saar.
When Siade barre died on the Godforsaken toilets of Ghetto Nigeria, almost all 99% Somalis reactions were like; ''Good riddance. Just another piece of shit Dictator wiped from the shoe of humanity'', but some minority of 1% from the Abodoon crew lost their marbles, i heard some even went apeshit killing themselves as they lost their sanity and some were even send to the psycho ward.

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