Soma-oil and gas

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Anyone know if they got investigated for that 10% of profits contract? Another oil firm said that it should be 60% minimum to the government for this sort of exploration.
They did get investigated, According to them the government has no institutions nor any legal & reglatory framework nedeed to oversee the exploitation of energy resources.

What is best for the government is to nullify all contract deals with Foreign owned companies and work on building proper institutions and education facilities nedeed. Especially lay emphasis on securing the country which is a major issue.

I would rather for Somalia too look for the long term big gain , instead of the short term here & now miniscule gain and be able to harvest our own oil & gas.


Yes! We can't enter into this deal, maybe a very short contract of fewer than 5 years to enable the government to build some institutions and after that, when we're in a stronger position we should utilize our own engineers. It's not that difficult to extract and refine oil.
Yes! We can't enter into this deal, maybe a very short contract of fewer than 5 years to enable the government to build some institutions and after that, when we're in a stronger position we should utilize our own engineers. It's not that difficult to extract and refine oil.

Well the key problem the government is corrupt whatever money we get will not go to the development of Somalia, it will be all squandered or in the pockets of foreigners making them rich. They had all the money from Investments, loans and remittance revenue to build institutions and government sponsored educative facilities. Yet Oil processing in Somalia not done by local contractors and Somali hands, but by White European engineering firm.

We have the frying pan, the oil, the onions, the eggs, the fire and the chef but they are telling us we still need them to help fry an egg, And we believe them.
:snoop:"They were the best people for the job", well at our current rate in 2016 the Ajanabis will still be "the best people for the job."

Corruption is stripping us off everything we have.


The MPs are shameless. They're out of the country most of the time. We don't know who they are only the PM and president. The rest we don't know their backgrounds or anything. This us why they have journalists killed both them and Al Shabaab are covering their tracks through controlling the media.
The MPs are shameless. They're out of the country most of the time. We don't know who they are only the PM and president. The rest we don't know their backgrounds or anything. This us why they have journalists killed both them and Al Shabaab are covering their tracks through controlling the media.

Well not only that but the corruption is really based on them hiring ''Who'' and not ''What''. When we deal with issues in the community we do not call in people based on merit , or ability to contribute to the problem at hand, no, we call in people based on personality and nostalgia.

So that is why a Conference full of Somali MP's on business and trade or intellectual property or digital media has a motley crew of fadhi ku diri slingers, Salafi arabophiles and feminist SJW "street educators" and the same Dr, So and so for the last 10 years. They are clearly not qualified to deal with those specifics but the "club/clique" mentality says it was something on Somalia and they should be there.

'' I will hire my clan mate from so or so clan because he/she is family'' Can he/she actually do the job? ''Who cares , they need work''

And that my friend is how you erode a country soo badly into destruction.


They also hate Somalis. They hire Somalis from everywhere but they give other Kenyans and Ethios all these privileges that Somalis are denied.
They also hate Somalis. They hire Somalis from everywhere but they give other Kenyans and Ethios all these privileges that Somalis are denied.

Who? There is no Kenyattis or Xabashis/Oromo in our government. The point is that its mostly us the diasporian Somalis who are fucking things up.

You will be amazed how the actual locals are intune with the many problems and are aware of what needs to be done, but us the diaspora are like a bridge enabling the international community to dump their trash on us and steal the gold. We are supposed to provide jobs & skills not rob our own culture and homeland and push for outside ideology.

Look at all the current President,Prime minister and MPs i bet 95% of them are from the diaspora. So you can see where alot of the problem lies.
We can be a positive bride but we the diaspora need a consiousness shift
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I agree with you regarding the diaspora ruining our country.

There's no foreigners in our government but the workers in the airport, construction etc are foreigners from those countries. They're paid more than their Somali counterparts and they receive benefits denied to Somalis like insurance/compensation.
I agree with you regarding the diaspora ruining our country.

There's no foreigners in our government but the workers in the airport, construction etc are foreigners from those countries. They're paid more than their Somali counterparts and they receive benefits denied to Somalis like insurance/compensation.

Thats the governments fault , they are the ones who are supposed to implement the regulations and the policies to prevent this., without that Somalis with their qabil cuqdaadnimo will outsource.

Most of this is done by diasporian Somalis i will have you know that.
Yet Oil processing in Somalia not done by local contractors and Somali hands, but by White European engineering firm.

lol,no african country has the capacity to extract oil.
Yet Oil processing in Somalia not done by local contractors and Somali hands, but by White European engineering firm.

lol,no african country has the capacity to extract oil.

Thats the point you troll.

Africans are making foreigners richer & richer as they get poorer thinking that its development.
There is no discussion on how Somalis can harvest their own oil .
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you -somalis-cant even bring the most basic need for your people and you talking about harvesting oil which is a luxury.

-our people starve every 3 year,50,000-100,000 people die in that draught.
-no security
-no safe water to drink.
you -somalis-cant even bring the most basic need for your people and you talking about harvesting oil which is a luxury.

-our people starve every 3 year,50,000-100,000 people die in that draught.
-no security
-no safe water to drink.

And what did i say up above? This is why trolls like you are stupid.

What is best for the government is to nullify all contract deals with Foreign owned companies and work on building proper institutions and education facilities nedeed. Especially lay emphasis on securing the country which is a major issue.

I would rather for Somalia too look for the long term big gain , instead of the short term here & now miniscule gain and be able to harvest our own oil & gas.

We Somalis will not let the present hinder us and define our future circumstance. We have more foresight then that.
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