Somali Albinos

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This is a result of two ethnic Somalis laying down and creating an Albino. I don't think we get many cases in Somalia.
But i had a quick question. Would an Albino of Somali origin pass for a white person simply because the Negroid phenotype applied to many Bantus is absent from their genes?




I think you should go back and study what causes albinism.
I don't think i posted this topic in search of the direct mutation that causes albinism. Anyone who searches the web can be given a description describing the issue.
I don't think many people are aware of albinism in general.
This is not an issue in Somalia, how are people treated?
Address the issue sxb, adigoo raali ah hadii kale nagu kala wad.


"Passing for white":confused::uCkf6mf:
In terms of physical appearance.
Somalis are classified under the Caucasian branch due to skull shapes as mentioned. Not that i agree with, but given this evidence would an albino with Caucasian features pass for white? Theres nothing wrong when asking a silly question.


You take this orientalist racist 'research' conclusions seriously? Majority of white people aren't even Caucasian save for the few listed below:

There is no science in that racial stuff - it was abandoned when it Nazism failed to conquer the world. White people have a variety of features and the these terms are more political than scientific.


You take this orientalist racist 'research' conclusions seriously? Majority of white people aren't even Caucasian save for the few listed below:

There is no science in that racial stuff - it was abandoned when it Nazism failed to conquer the world. White people have a variety of features and the these terms are more political than scientific.
Aside from Armenia, Georgia, and Russia most of the given countries are not considered Caucasian.
This includes both Turkey and Iran.
They might be classed as Caucasian due to history, but in general no Iranian is considered the eyes of the majority.
turkey although in Nato can be classified as Caucasian but given the actions of reality. Their people are not considered, "European" let alone Caucasian.
The term Caucasian is used in a diagram to label people with certain skull shapes. Not in terms of genetics.
Somalia & Ethiopia although both in Africa are placed under the same group as someone from England. Does this mean were white? No. I believe this system was put in place in order to inherit peoples history. Claiming the land of Punt (Somalia) as Caucasian would benefit the Caucasian/White race.
Although no one would claim you in real life, when text books are and I automatically become Caucasian.



I don't take this skull shape and race stuff seriously. Its outdated and widely discredited, let's move on seeing as we each have different head shapes.


I don't take this skull shape and race stuff seriously. Its outdated and widely discredited, let's move on seeing as we each have different head shapes.

Neither do I, nor do i consider myself Caucasian. This is a way to inherit peoples history.


They wanted to divide and conquer, that's what it was all about - we should see it as a holocaust tool and nothing more.


Wikipedia says it does :oops::zhqjlmx:
So does Somalia lol
unlike a Somali who tell you he is not Caucasian. Iranians and Middle Easterners are head over heels because of this.
They enjoy being labeled as Caucasian. They wish to be white and are happy. But as a Somali, i don't welcome it.
I've met a Yemani darker than me, who places white in his work papers. lol


They're at least geography near the Caucasus mountains but those white anthropologists just wanted to choose a traitor chieftain race to broker financial deals with. Somalis being Muslim rejected the call, but Ethiopia went with it, Menelik considered himself a Caucasian as did Sellassie - hence them never being officially a colony.


They're at least geography near the Caucasus mountains but those white anthropologists just wanted to choose a traitor chieftain race to broker financial deals with. Somalis being Muslim rejected the call, but Ethiopia went with it, Menelik considered himself a Caucasian as did Sellassie - hence them never being officially a colony.
Ethiopia is a product of the Caucasians.
They conquered the land, and placed the heart land of Oromia as the capital. This means they examined the Oromos and not once did it cross their minds that these people would fight back. This is why Addis Ababa is in the heartland of Oromia.
I think Oromia is dead, what will they do?
Say keep Addis and 2 states of Oromia? LOL


Oromo are divided into Christian, Muslim and traditional - they'll never unite to create their own state on ethnic lines. Their political allegiances also vary, some being the strongest supporters of the Ethiopian regime and others fighting for a regime change. I don't know what's in it for the separatists, they'd do better with a regime change.


Oromo are divided into Christian, Muslim and traditional - they'll never unite to create their own state on ethnic lines. Their political allegiances also vary, some being the strongest supporters of the Ethiopian regime and others fighting for a regime change. I don't know what's in it for the separatists, they'd do better with a regime change.
Again, majority of the Ethiopian troops in Somalia are of Oromo decent, and mind i remind people what they're doing to the Somalis. They worship the Habasha, they shouldn't be treated any better. I noticed they are divided. Some love Somalis, Some hate us.


Yes - I learned my lesson about Oromo trustworthiness when the Ethiopian invasion coincided with caleemo saar ceremony of illegal immigrant Oromos.


~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
Yes - I learned my lesson about Oromo trustworthiness when the Ethiopian invasion coincided with caleemo saar ceremony of illegal immigrant Oromos.

Shamis, I considered them brothers/sisters under cushiticnimo. However, I have realized Oromo are a confused group that lack unity, which is why they have been taken advantage of by the Xabeshi for a few hundred years. These little guys aren't loyal - and can and will be used against you by them. Also, Somalia isn't in a pristine enough state to open doors to anyone. Heck, we have Somali-on-Somali issues to sort out first, without significantly increasing the size of foreign ethnic groups that would only further complicate our pre-existing issues/matters. Thereby, creating a tug-of-war about land ownership and property rights, which could result in a conflict/war of eminence proportions. The likes of which we have never seen before.
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