Somali Americans are now identifying as African Americans

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@Realwarya is spreading misinformation and wants me to take an L. There is no L

Look at this tweet liked and retweeted by 25 Somalis. Somalis are identifying as African Americans.



ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
Discussed this over and over with paragon and geeljire. There's no reason whatsoever for the African American tag to exclude people who are recent immigrants and decendants of fucking African countries. Like why should they alienate themselves from the label when it best describes them and their future endeavours. Only we (Somalis, Nigerians etc...) have a stake in what goes on there given our parents are recent immigrants and many fiercely identify with the ethnic origins their parents fled. So if anyone's going back ever... It's us.

Nah I'm with other Africans on this. That's our fucking tag.
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