Somali attempts RAPE on woman in labour

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An unreal situation in the Italian capital Rome, according to Libero; a Somalian man managed to get past the security of Sant’Eugenio Hospital and stormed a delivering room where he attempted to rape a woman in labour. Migrants have been found guilty of various terrible crimes but this is a first. Luckily the monster was stopped before he could harm the woman and her baby.

The criminal is a 38 years old Somalian, already charged for other crimes in the past. The man managed to get his hands on a green uniform and sneaked in the delivery room where he started to touch and fondle the woman in labor while masturbating. The cries of help of the woman alerted the personnel in the surrounding area who entered the room and incapacitated the man and subsequently delivered the animal to the police.
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And this is true because ?
We should just go to Canada or America we're the country was made by immigrants but going to Europe these countries are there homeland. You would be mad too if a bunch of white came to your country why is it any different t when you go to there's
We should just go to Canada or America we're the country was made by immigrants but going to Europe these countries are there homeland. You would be mad too if a bunch of white came to your country why is it any different t when you go to there's
Fellow , I asked you how you knew the story was true ? Have you checked the sources ?
Somali migrant ‘sexually assaults a woman while she’s in LABOUR after disguising himself as a nurse on Italian hospital ward'
  • Woman, 43, was in labour at hospital Rome when she was sexually assaulted
  • Somali man, 38, had stolen a nurse's uniform to get access to the ward
  • He allegedly groped her leg and genitals and masturbated in front of her
  • Assailant, who has been charged, had been living in Italy for five years

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