Somali boys ATTACK Danish boy who simply wanted to play

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Why do niggas always film themselves when doing illegal or plain retarded shit:heh:

Similar video in Norway that got alotta attention. No Somalis involved tho thankfully. Some madoow brutally beat up a poor cadaan dude
tbh every time i see white people i want to go out and beat they ass to. those boys are just innocently fighting for their ancestors. they know better then to hang around these lil devils in training.
damn 6-8 niggas jumping one guy...........................................:trash: just look at the beginning of the video, it took 3 to slam the guy:childplease:

Why do you hate the Somalis ? Could be because you are a gay and felt rejection from the society? But there are famous gays Somalis who live their life and one of them is Suliman at Twitter. Suliman is very patriot, same with Diriye Osman. Is this kind of reverse racism (against your people) seriously no trolling.
Canuck AbdiJohnson speaks more Somali then u


Citizen of Southwest State
Just telling the truth

U ain't been back home ever and don't know how to speak Somali
She can't type any language. She posted some shit in the Arabic language she holds so dear but my nigga @Hafez was like wtf is this gibberish?

Her feeble mind is occupied with Oromo instead of her ESL homework. Those damn Oromos...:birdman:
She can't type any language. She posted some shit in the Arabic language she holds so dear but my nigga @Hafez was like wtf is this gibberish?

Her feeble mind is occupied with Oromo instead of her ESL homework. Those damn Oromos...:birdman:

Kkkk it would not grow mr tiny burnt kofta but keep sending it online
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