Somali dude just now

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He was in line at the shop and very drunk. He had his cadaan friends with him and they were taking forever. Instead of getting pissed at them I said to the dude 'walaalo biyo gado' because he was legless. He flips out and says "don't talk to me or call me that I'm not Somali only my mum is I'm from Djibouti". I was shocked and I flipped out too.and said "waad sakhraansatahey waxbo kaamo rabo inaad biyo cabtid ma ahane" because his cadaan friends were taking advantage of him and making him buy them cigarettes and from his look he was poor. You know when people tell you there's people oo axsaanta u darantahey he's just that person. I should've minded my business but I do the same for white and other people in my area because I look out for the vulnerable but only this Somali guy got angry. The funny part is when I walked out I saw him walking alone while his friends went off together wallahi.
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