Language-ka somali waan speak-gareyni karaaDo you live in Somalia?
Can you speak Somali fluently?
Warya shib dheh, weli ma qalin jabinin, si deg deg malcaamada ku noqo wecelyahow! ma anaga ba masuul ku siini karna adiga afka jajibinaya, kiir!!Language-ka somali waan speak-gareyni karaa
Warya shib dheh, weli ma qalin jabinin, si deg deg malcaamada ku noqo wecelyahow! ma anaga ba masuul ku siini karna adiga afka jajibinaya, kiir!!
Wa la kaftamaya, aniga xataa inaan sii barto way ii taala, kuwa dalka jooga way igu qosli lahaayeen sidaan u hadloWar yarka iska dhaaf soomaaliga ha inoo barto
I can teach-garee all of youWar yarka iska dhaaf soomaaliga ha inoo barto
Did the Original Arabs care about socio economic status or their wealth whilst having racial pride and superiority complex?. lineage/purity culture and self thought and respect is what pride is.What have you done to make Somalia a better place? Is your strong racial pride translating into anything productive for Somalia? What meaningful impact or change have you accomplished for Somalia? You speak so confidently about racial pride but live comfortably outside Somalia.
Says the gadabuursi gabadh, adi iyo tolka wa is dhunkatiinSomali first actually means my clan first. We are organized into qabils, and allegiances are filtered through that lens unless there are allegiances/alliances.
I'm not fond of cheap rhetoric that isn't quite grounded in practice. Rather, in many cases, nationalism is used to disguise clannism by covert qabilists who continuously weaponize
-nimo yet simultaneously delegitimize those around them. The covert qabilists are some of the worst because they fail to reveal themselves and blatantly lie, exclaiming that they are free from its trappings when they are just as beholden and say it with a smile
Don't worry I don't mind if your clan gets equality in Djibouti.Somali first actually means my clan first. We are organized into qabils, and allegiances are filtered through that lens unless there are allegiances/alliances.
I'm not fond of cheap rhetoric that isn't quite grounded in practice. Rather, in many cases, nationalism is used to disguise clannism by covert qabilists who continuously weaponize
-nimo yet simultaneously delegitimize those around them. The covert qabilists are some of the worst because they fail to reveal themselves and blatantly lie, exclaiming that they are free from its trappings when they are just as beholden and say it with a smile