Somali flag


A blessed human
That's what I heard, I would never hurt my own clan. I even said " I heard somewhere" I wasn't sure. Please don't hate on me :damn:


Nothing is true; everything is permitted
Not really, mutazil'ite believe in the aristrolean model of free will that compromises omnipotence, nor are they the only person that argues against the Ash'arite view. Ibn taymiyyah and Al-Maturidi also argue against predeterminsm while adhering to Islamic Orthodoxy
interesting, never seen an argument for free will using the idea of evil that isn't mutazillah. but couldn't you argue God is above the concept of evil so the existance of evil really doesn't apply to him?


I reckon Somalia should merge its flag with Somali land and have the Somali flag in the side as a triangle line Sudan or Palestine and the rest will be Somali flag
i think the flag looks okay as it is wlh. Plus we’re not in an Arab state so I don’t understand why we would need the triangle method? …
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If this is true, Allah really hates Somalis then, everything happens how he wants it to, and he wants us to suffer and we've been suffering for over 30 years, amazing.

I'm curious how Somalis managed to piss of Allah more than any other ethnic group to deserve this.
astagfurallah. What was the point of writing this? Allah has a free given plan for everything. Plus half of the bs Somali people do back in the home country is made by choices. You can’t blame Allah (swt) for humanity’s mistakes 🤦🏾‍♀️
astagfurallah. What was the point of writing this? Allah has a free given plan for everything. Plus half of the bs Somali people do back in the home country is made by choices. You can’t blame Allah (swt) for humanity’s mistakes 🤦🏾‍♀️
Well I was going by OP's logic, it's either this is what Allah wants, or Somalis are just straight up stupid.
Y'all trying to copy Somaliand's style of flag with the tawheed kkk why don't you guys just adopted our flag and hope Hargeisa comes back to the union 😂😂

Y'all trying to copy Somaliand's style of flag with the tawheed kkk why don't you guys just adopted our flag and hope Hargeisa comes back to the union 😂😂

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why did you insert Somaliland in this discussion? Do you feel left out when we from italian somalia talk with each other about which flag to adopt? You can always come back to the motherland if you want.
why did you insert Somaliland in this discussion? Do you feel left out when we from italian somalia talk with each other about which flag to adopt? You can always come back to the motherland if you want.
I'm in my ancestral homelands or motherland no need for me to go to unknown foreign lands down the south 😂