Somali girls among those who SHUT DOWN Toronto Exhibition and the police are CALLED IN

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Youth Day could be scrapped at the Canadian National Exhibition (CNE) after a series of fights forced the popular event to abruptly shut down, setting off what some called "sheer chaos" in the crowds.

Virginia Ludy, the CNE's general manager, said she was forced to shut down the event due to a dangerous "crowd dynamic," among a few groups of teenagers in the midway area. Video of the fights show swarms of people surrounding the fighters, while others rush away from the scene.

Ludy said some 70,000 people were at the Exhibition grounds, a large area of downtown land near the city's lake shore, so organizers who were monitoring the crowds had to power down rides and call in police around 9:30 p.m.

"You don't want to create panic and you don't want to create chaos," Ludy told CBC Radio's Metro Morning.

But, she said, organizers could not hesitate to close with patrons' safety at risk.
Somali ???? I do not see any Somali just bunch of people who are running and the faces are not clear.
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Receipts on the alleged somalis in question?

Are you reer East end?

And is the EX still majority Somali employees? This was the case 10 years ago
You should know from my qabil kkkkkk

There's still a good number of Somalis working in the EX but not as much as before. Everyone is doing security guard jobs now.
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