Somali girls caught a stray because a Pan African account decided to use their video

Warning though all sorts of racism in the comments. This is a self own as they should have used West African girls as the face of Black girls in France, or even North African, but these idiots probably don't consider them African.

Keep it a boqol

“Live as if everything is rigged in your favour”
Somalis are representatives of the black/african people when it suits black people then scapegoated and ostracized when one person does something out the norm.
The comments are screaming "They are not french" like that's the point of the tweet.

Somalis are representatives of the black/african people when it suits black people then scapegoated and ostracized when one person does something out the norm.

Honestly both those responses are an extension of their deeply held insecurities and complexes.

Black/African people don't like the way they look(eurocentric programming), they don't want to marry one another , they don't support one another( Lack of group economics) , they seek outside approval(foreigners control their economies/industries/neighborhoods) and are white worshiping.

So because Somalis are unlike them in all of this, they both resent, project and admire us for this, depending on their self esteem levels.

Our basic existence is inferiority inducing to a lot of them and contradicts their deeply held beliefs that they hold about themselves , African people and we run contrary to how they move or operate.

When they try to project animosity is trying to bring us down a notch, or seperate us from the group so they can feel comfortable with themselves and self regulate.

